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How late will you be? I am the noon and dusk, the twilight over snow-capped peaks, the wind the blows through your sinful hair, the whisper of a memory behind your dark eyes;

were my kisses that never touched textured lips but only the sensitive skin of men what drew you to your edge? Or the stain of garnet and rose a volatile mix I  left behind on summer nights; when you screamed at my flushed dazed eyed face in the frustration of a broken man.

How late was I? you are the dawn and eve, the gold between rivers and streams, the warmth of soft sun caresses, the stain on my sun burnt skin;

it was the late night calls and soft buzz against the sheets, not meant for my eyes or ears because I was asleep. That's what drove me to my edge right? Or the reminder of your hands being shared against the variety of curved tones porcelain to beige through alabaster and burnt embers; I cry against plush pillows cursing your name.



I was in ruins an excuse for the ruiner and I ruined you,

the chimes of a wind pipe poisoned breaths;

poised and ready.


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