Chapter 2~ The Man at the Door

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Warmth engulfed the two males like a cocoon does a caterpillar . It was inviting, lush and a shiver coursed throughout Vasbar's body as the newly introduced temperature fought off the harsh weather that was lurking behind the door. 

Eme had come over to the door as soon as the doorbell had been pressed and she had welcomed her two friends into her humble abode. She had embraced them one by one and had been super excited to finally meet them after her long journey. The half demon was tall, 6"3 to the 5"2 and 5"8 that Vasbar and Vincent were. To people who didn't know her, she was a threatening untrustworthy kind of person (that is, if you judge a book by its cover) and to her friends she was as equally threatening due to her height but she was a sweet person by nature though she did have a tendency to be sexual and she had a very dominant personality that completely overrun both Vasbar's and Vincent's personalities in one. She had long coconut brown hair that was always tied up in a messy bun and her outfit consisted of a very unique shirt that wasn't apart of her usual taste as she was usually plain and simple with her style. This was probably due to the fact that she had guests coming over tonight Vasbar guessed. The shirt was a cream colour and it had red roses twining up her arms and it suited her very much!

"So, You two, go take off your coats and whatever as I go and get you two a drink!" Eme exclaimed as she took off to the kitchen without giving the two a chance to say anything back to her. 

"YEAH- Ok-Thanks!" Vasbar shouted with a breathless laugh to Eme from the hallway door as he took off his beanie hat and scarf; placing them on the coat rack. He ran his hand through his hair in an attempt to re-assemble it as the beanie had made his hair poof. That's the only problem with hats, hat hair! He also slid off his shoes and placed them in their rightful place near the front door and walked into the living room.

In contrast to Eme being half demon, her house was a normal, typical human house. The walls were pasted with a plain peach paint and lined across them were framed pictures of her memories and of the times that would never be recreated. There was a mahogany coffee table centred in the room surrounded by three two-seater maroon couches like a pride of lionesses hunting its prey. A plasma screen TV was happily enjoying itself on a redwood stand in front of the couches and directly adjacent to the coffee table so whoever was sat on the couches could see the TV without trouble. The grey carpet was also soft to the touch, a really complimentary living room. 

Her kitchen was open and literally a few steps away from the back of the centred couch and there was a hallway to the left of the kitchen on the next wall, which lead to her downstairs bathroom and a set of steep stairs that granted you access to the next floor of her house where there were some bedrooms.

"Vas?" A voice jerked him out of the daydream that he was having. It was Vincent, who was sat on one of the couches. "a-are you ok there? You- were just stood t-there spinning slowly looking around t-the house as if you were being the camera-man in a movie-" He giggled.

"Oh-Uh- Yeah" Vasbar shamelessly laughed, "Sorry- I was just in a weird daydream type thing- It happens sometimes" As he was slightly embarrassed for being caught doing something stupid, his speech was breathy.

"Ok- If you're so sure!" Vincent returned and patted the seat next to him. "Come on- I've been s-sat here like a lemon watching you for five m-minutes"

Vasbar took the invite and sat next to his friend, "That's a bit creepy don't you think?" He nudged Vincent lightly.

"Hardly" Vincent replied with a cheeky smile and nudged him back with the same force.

Eme then entered the room bearing beverages. 

"Here you go my friends!" She spoke, handing them both a drink. "A hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows for you Vincent!"

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