When Boundaries Are Broken. [The Sequel to WFAF.] (3)

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"No - that's not the point, Jas. I knew there was something going on. Kind of. Sort of. EH, I don't know! I did know that you and Marc were not just student and teacher but I didn't know things had gone this far!"

I sighed as I handed Jess one of the glasses of rose wine I had just poured. Stayin' classy! - even if we were drinking out of Hello Kitty mugs.

"Things haven't gone that far, Jess." My voice sounded resigned and deflated. Explaining the situation between me and Mr Hinchcliffe an estimated forty seven times to Jess had really taken the life out of me. "Kisses are not far."

"No, but emotional evolvement is."

She made a very, very good point but I was not about to let her know I agreed. Instead, I gave a non-disclosing shrug and stretched my lips into a vague hint of a smile. "Either way," Jess carried on, shaking her head slightly at me as she spoke, "we're back at school tomorrow. What happens now? If people find out, Marc would go to jail - well, back to jail! And you would get kicked out of school, then what would I do?"

I smiled at the latter part of her sentence, she knew she would survive just fine without me. Probably better, actually - I wouldn't be there to make her late to all of her lessons.

"Well, it's pretty simple, really...no-one will have to find out. I mean, yeah, It will be difficult but it's how it's going to have to be."

"It's not pretty simple though, is it? Suppose someone does find out an-"

I cut her off with an abrupt shaking of my head and an exclamation of NO! I didn't even want to think about the prospect of that happening. I have no idea what I would do in that circumstance - I haven't let myself think about it for long enough to create a Plan B.

"Look - I'm sorry for shouting, Jess, I really am. I just don't want to think about that possibility. It wouldn't only screw with his teaching job, it would royally fuck up his actual job, too. And then everything would fall to pieces." Jess' eyes became wide as she remembered that teaching wasn't his actual job, oh no, of course the man that I was seeing couldn't be normal. That would make my life way too easy. No, he was a borderline secret agent. BORDERLINE. Meaning, he actually he wasn't... after some lengthy conversations with Mr Hinchcliffe, I had realised that he was really just a member of the British Police, undercover. Fair enough, he was quite high up but not quite CIA status, thankfully (so all of those spy-related christmas presents I received can BURN)!

"Oh yeah, shoot. One more question..." Jess must have noticed my face fall because she grinned at me, her eyes pleading. I only nodded. "If teaching was only a coverup, then how come he's still doing it? Surely this job will come to an end sooner or later."

I pondered her question for a moment, knowing the answer but not being sure how to articulate my answer. "Hmmm. Yeah, you're right. He's still posted to this job for the time being but he could be pulled off of it at any moment. Apparently, the danger to myself has been reduced by nearly half since John has gotten caught but that doesn't mean he doesn't still have people working for him. So Marc thinks he'll be here until at least the end of the year but, really, theres no way of knowing how long it will be. I don't really want to think about it, to be honest. It makes me worry - I hate worrying." Thankfully, Jess nodded in understanding and gulped down the last drop of wine in her glass. Before I could even begin to think about how to throw her out so I could get some well deserved sleep, she rose from her seat and began to gather up her stuff. Thank the Lord above and all his Children, I was shattered!

"Its alright - I'll save you the trouble of making up a reason to kick me out, although it would be funny to watch you squirm as you struggle to think. I, however, am a way better friend than that!" she proclaimed happily, a smug smile plastered across her face. Oh, sometimes I could very easily kill her. In fact, I sometimes plan how I would do it in my head detail for detail, until I solemnly realise that without her I probably wouldn't function as a normal human being. I finished the last drop in my glass before following her down the stairs and to the front door of my humble abode. Once we had hugged goodbye and I was home alone once again (my Dad was on a business trip and wouldn't be back until tomorrow evening), I changed into my favourite short pyjamas, got into bed and flicked through the television channels. Storage Hunters...huh, I guess that will have to do. 300 channels and this is the best they have got...yeeeesh.

When Boundaries Are Broken. [The Sequel to WFAF.] (1)Where stories live. Discover now