weeping willow

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tw for violence/mentions of assault

"daddy issues"
the neighbourhood


dan couldn't breathe, and jesus wasn't helping.


screaming underwater was just like praying.

three -

it didn't do a fucking thing.

as if forcing him to bow his head in prayer, dan's stepfather held the boy's head under the water with godlike strength, as dan kicked at the porcelain tiles he was kneeling on.

"you're not praying loud enough," the man laughed manically, dan's head down so hard his forehead hit the bottom of the bath. "i can't fucking hear you - "

he yanked dan out by his hair, and above the gasps for air and god-awful coughing, dan could hear adrian crying down the hall into his teddy bear.

the bathroom door was open.

"p-please - " he tried to say, tried to beg, before breaking off into a coughing fit, so violent he wondered if he'd cough up his soul along with the bathwater. "p-please - "

"please what?" his stepfather demanded, jerking dan's head back as the barely breathing boy tried to struggle again; he smelt like cigarettes, alcohol and the devil.

and just like the devil, dan was fucking terrified of him.

"do you want my help or not?" his stepfather spat through gritted teeth, shaking dan so roughly his eyes rolled to the back of his head. "i said do you want my fucking help?"

dan shook his head, heart going thud! thud! thud! in his chest as his clothes soaked up the bathwater like blood.

"no?" his stepfather asked in mock surprise, violence laced into the whiskey on his breath.

"n-no..." dan tried again, but his lungs gave out. "please...please...please d - "

"fucking sinner," his stepfather laughed aloud, with laughter sounding like switchblades and satan. "go to hell, for all i fucking care."

everything inside dan burnt like hellfire all over again as his stepfather threw him over the side of the bath.

" - please don't - "

the water filling dan's lungs burnt like he was always told sinners would, with his own scream echoing like laughter among the gravestones in 1987 in his ears.

he was drowning in thoughts of death and boys in lavender fields as he struggling, kicked and screamed as if he were possessed.

"you're never going to learn," his stepfather spat, pulling him back out again and seemingly getting drunk off of dan's heaving for air.
"are you? never going to fucking learn - "

"i'm s-sorry," dan choked out, water running into his eyes and blinding him like greed, "is that...that what you...w-want me t-to say?"

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