chapter 1: when the school bell rings

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'Bzzz Bzzz
Bzzz Bzzz'
I opened my eyes and began to rub them.
'Bzzz Bzzz
Bzzz Bz-'
I turned of the alarm on my phone and sat up, yawned, and walked over to my window, I pulled the blue curtains open letting a river of sunlight flood in. I opened my closet and pulled out a pair of grey jeans, a red flannel and a black shirt - the same thing I wore most days as it was all I could afford, occasionally I would swap out the black shirt for a nirvana shirt or a jaws shirt- but apart from that everyday I wore the same. I had just began putting my clothes on when I heard a knock at the Door "just a minute" I yelled, rushing to get changed, then I opened the heavy oak door to see my girlfriend, allysa, standing at the door. "Good morning" she spoke with a giggle as she patted down the piece of hair that she was laughing at. "Do you want any coffee" I murmered "no, have you seen the time" was her response. I grasped my phone and checked the time "shit" I whispered under my breath.

We wandered through the alleys behind the city (this was our shortcut) and eventually ended up at our destination 'callingbone high' the name always intrigued me, we ran through the halls and ended up at our first lesson, music with Mr.hazon, and walked in and sat down "your late Mr Jones- and you miss Wilson" so we both pretended to be very apologetic as we pulled out or books. "So today you all will be writing an essay on our recent study of mozart" the frail man spoke and of course with all tests there was the joint moan from the class. 'Today is going to be a long day' I thought to myself. I placed the pen on my paper and couldn't seem to write, I still had adrenaline shooting through me like a bullet, so I just sat thinking of what to write when I heard a loud cough, of course, we all looked to see where it was coming from. Mr.hazons face glowed red as he struggled to breathe, at this point a few students tried to help him, but it was too late.
Blood sprayed out his mouth as he vomited across the carpet, he continued vomiting and choking until it stopped, his lifeless corpse slid to the ground as many students cried at the harrowing sight- some smarter students called an ambulance and as the paramedics arrived we were all sent home with a letter, we were told not to open it because it was 'for our parents' but me and allysa didn't listen- we were curious 15 year-olds. As I opened the note I began to read it 'due to today's tragic death of staff, your children have been given the rest of today off and will be expected to return tommorow as normal, I'd you have any complaints then forward them to me Lora Hemings (HEAD TEACHER)
'Wierd' I thought to myself, 'how could they get this letter out so quickly and expect us to be in tommorow' but I kept my mouth shut, I didn't want to seem insensitive. That day we were sent home, my mum was at work so me and alyssa crashed at my place, she was still shaken by the events- but I just grinned and bared it,I mean really though, none of this made any sense- Mr.hazon was fit as a fiddle yet he suddenly dies. They expect us to come in tommorow and ignore the previous events. Why was the letter already written and printed, 15 minutes after his death, it just didn't add up...

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