Sincerely, Carrie

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As I step into the darkness, I feel something cold and wet beneath my feet. This wasn't normal, since this was my bedroom. I yelp and flick on the lights. There was a puddle set into the carpet of my floor, with broken glass all around. I sigh with relief, as I hadn't stepped on the broken glass. I look to my brown dresser, where I put my glass of water I usually bring to my room and see a guilty looking cat there. "Jessie!" I scold quietly since it was very late at night. "How did you even do this on the carpet? And without me hearing??"

Jessie was my annoying gray tabby that I've had for the past two years. She was constantly breaking things without regard for physics, so this wasn't a surprise to me. What was a surprise, however, was what she was on top of. My desk is usually bare, but this time there was a Manila envelope there. Jessie meows and jumps onto my newly made bed, and I could clearly see the letter now. "Where did that come from?" I ask myself as I carefully maneuver over the broken glass. It can wait to be cleaned up.

I carefully open the letter, and tilt my head with confusion. It was neatly typed on white paper, and I bit my lip in slight concern after I finished. It read:

Dear Melanie,

If you're reading this, it's almost too late. I've left a series of letters for you all around the apartment. You need to find them all if you want them to believe you. I'm sorry I never mentioned anything earlier but... it's time you learned the truth. Good luck, Mel. The first letter is in your favorite spot in the apartment.


I read the letter over and over just to make sure I was reading the note correctly. Carrie is my roommate/best friend for life. She's usually the one that charms everyone in the room while I hide in the corner. A social butterfly to my sarcastic moth, if you will. Anyway, I try to quiet the millions of questions buzzing through my head. Like, what didn't Carrie tell me? Who won't believe me? How long is this going to take? I don't know when Carrie could have typed this up. I'm on the one laptop we own 24/7 , and we don't even own a printer. I sigh. Carrie was sleeping, so I couldn't ask her anything. My favorite spot in the apartment? I stop, realizing something. "She better not have..." I mumble as I groggily drag myself out of my bedroom. I didn't have time for this. I quickly finish my journey to the kitchen and open the fridge.

Sure enough, another envelope falls out of the fridge to my feet. "Wow." I say bluntly as I pick it up. "Real nice, Carrie."

I open the second envelope, this time sealed with a clasp. This time it read;

Ha, I'm sure it didn't take you too long to figure that out. And that's good. The more time you waste figuring out where the next letter is, the less time you have before they find out what I'm up to. I dragged you into this the day I met you, and I was hoping it all would blow over, but the opposite happened. It got worse. So, I decided to do this. I'm sure you can handle it, but the library is closing. They'll be more information in the next letter. That's Jessie's favorite spot. Good luck.


Ok, I know how she typed it up now. But I'm still so confused... why is she making it so unnecessarily vague? I wish she would just tell me what's happening straight out. But this is quite a serious tone for the usually fun, happy-go-lucky blonde. I'm... starting to get nervous. Did she do something wrong? Is she in danger? I have to find out. I don't know where Jessie's favorite spot is. She lounges around in so many different spots. I take a breath and focus.

I check between the couch cushions. Nothing. I check on the windowsill. Finally, I check on the keyboard of my laptop. There was a sealed, untouched Manila envelope. I take a breath, preparing myself. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what was in there, but I knew I had no choice. My best friend was possibly in danger. I had to do something. I tear open the envelope with shaky hands.

You found the last letter! Great job! I found that it was easier to just tell you through a video. Now, I need you to go to the link that I type.
Go to this link and skip to 43 seconds into the video. All the answers will be there. But you have to turn the volume up all the way on the computer otherwise you won't be able to hear me. Good luck, and I hope you can handle it.

I bite my lip as I power up the laptop. I wait in agony as it slowly powers on, and hastily log in. I was fully invested. I just had to know what was going on. I make sure the volume is all the way on and I carefully copy the link. I don't bother to look at the thumbnail and click the big red YouTube icon to play the video. I skip to 43 seconds into the video and I hear this suddenly blast out of my laptop,

Never gonna give you up,
Never gonna let you down!

I yelp and pause the video as quick as I could as I hear Carrie's distinct laughter as I pause the video. "I wish I could see your face right now!!" She says through laughs in her bedroom. I stare blankly at the computer. The time in the corner says 12:30 am. I sigh.

"Damn it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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