Imagine you get hurt while your drunk

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Luke: you and Luke were having a party and you decided to drink since your ex showed up with his new girl now you didn't really care since you were friends with his new girl but he kept looking at you the whole night that's why you turned to drinking you were so wasted that Luke took away your last drink and said "you're done for night." You rolled your eyes and then headed up to yours and his room some how you made it and got your pjs on even know the party was still going on then you headed back down stairs or should I say you fell down the flight of stairs Luke came running over to you and said "baby are you ok?" You Groan and said "yeah I'm fine." Luke said "no you're not your head is bleeding." You didn't even realized you cut your head luke got you a cloth for your head it wasn't that deep so he got you a bandage and put it on your head he sat down with you and didn't allow you to move for the rest of the night you ended up passing out on him.

Calum: you were at a club with the boys and you were having a couple of drinks you didn't mean to get wasted but it did happen you were stumbling all over the place Calum said "I think you had enough." Taking the drink you had In your hand and giving it to Luke then you had to go to the bathroom when you came stumbling out of the stall back to Calum you trip and fell into a waiter who had drinks in her hands everyone around you gasped as glass went into your arm Calum came running over and said "baby are you ok?!?!" You said "no my arm hurts a lot." He saw the glass in your arm and took you to the hospital once you guys arrived they brought you in and Calum was with you the whole time as they took the pieces of glass out of you he said "your never drinking this much again you understand me?" You nodded because you now have a huge headache when you guys got to the car after you were done you fell asleep in the car never wanting to do that again.

Ashton: you were walking home from a party with your friends you were so wasted you got to yours and Ashton's appartment and you were leaning on the door trying to open the door once you got it open you ended up falling into the house with a crash Ashton and the boys came running in to see what happened and then they saw you on the ground Ashton said "holy shit YN what happened?!?!" You groaned cause your head was hurting from hitting it and also from the alcohol you said "I fell while trying to come in." He carried you to you guys room and you got your pjs on then went to bed he was there with a ice pack for your head he said "never drink like this again." You said "oh I won't I promise." Then you passed out with him next to you and the boys were at the other end of the bed you promised your self you would never do that again.

Michael: you weren't a big drinker but you had a stressful day today so you decided to drink a whole bottle of wine by yourself when you were on your last glass you finished it and went to go put it in the sink you stumbled over there then decided to head to bed since that's where Michael was you tried walking up the stairs but ended up falling half way up there Michael came out and sighed and said "I'll help you." He already knew what you did he carried you to bed and then you ended up passing out on the bed but the last thing Michael said was "never do this again." You Hummed in agreedment that you wouldn't ever do this again.

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