Chapter 2

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It was the perfect night to be out on the town. The weather was crisp, clear, not a breeze to be felt. The perfect summer night! It's a shame Annie couldn't be here to enjoy it with me. I walked down Queen Street, the street where all the clubs and bars lined the sides of the roads. I saw the Admiral's Arms and right away I felt an urge of excitement and nerves hit me. It looked so cool from the outside, it really looked like the hottest new nightclub in town.

I saw a group of three people all dressed in dark clothes walk inside. My stomach jumped a little when I thought I saw one of them slightly turned their head in my direction, but they continued on their way and so did I. I prepared my ID as I headed towards the doors. To my suprise though, there was no security gaurd. I walked inside to see if there was one inside the door, but no. I thought that was a little strange that there was nobody checking ID's and nobody stamping your hand to get inside. When I walked in all I saw was what looked like people just dancing, talking, or drinking. I saw girls dancing in cages in cute little outfits and that really caught my attention. I walked over to watch and  admire this one girl's adorable black corsette and leather boots. At first I was having fun, but the look she started giving me was sort of freaking me out a little. She stopped dancing and was looking at me as if saying "You're going to be mine."

I pretended to casually brush it off and walked over to the bar to get a drink. Then I wondered if they actually even had anything I would like. I decided to joke with the bar tender and ask for a bloody mary. I don't think I would even drink that, it was just a joke.

"We don't serve that here my dear." she said with a bit of stern. I don't think she liked my joke very much. So I just said "Okay, thanks anyway." I decided to dance my way across the floor to look around. I was getting a few stares from people but I tried to not let it bother me. I guess I did look pretty vulnerable, but I just kept trying to casually dance around. I didn't try to look at anyone or bother anyone. I was starting to get a few more stares though, then I saw a small empy table nearby and I decided I should probably sit down for a bit. I sat at the table and touched up my lip gloss.

"Hi." I heard somebody say. I turned to see two young girls and a couple of guys my age sitting next to me. They weren't there a second ago. One girl had long blonde hair like me in a little black dress with stockings and garters on. The other had long black hair and had a black dress on too. One of the boys had dark almost spiked hair and wore a black tank top and black pants. The other boy had shaggy blonde hair and dressed in a red tank top and black pants. They all looked at me with evil looking smirks on their faces.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you." I said.

One of the boys chuckled. "Don't think we've seen you here before, are you new?"

"Yes, it's my first time here." I said. I was wondering if I should be talking to these people, even though they did look close to my age. Hell, they could be hundreds of years old.

"You're not here all by yourself are you?" said the girl with the black hair. I immediatly shook my head no. I knew myself that I shouldn't be here by myself anyway.

"Then where is your host?" said the boy with the blonde hair.

"He's around here somewhere," I said. "he probably just went to have a smoke or something."

"Do we know this host?" said the blonde girl. "What's his name?"

I thought for a moment. "Lestat." I said.

They all looked at me strange. There were a few akward moments, it didn't feel good.

"Do you guys like to dance?" I asked.

"Oh, very much we do." said the black haired girl with an evil smile. "Do you like to dance too?"

"I love to dance." I said, feeling a little braver now.

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