Chapter 6

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( i'm going to sort of be switching from 3rd to 1st person sorry)

Camila  Walked Lauren into her house, making sure to as her mother doesn't catch her. She didn't want to explain why she bringing a girl she barely knows into her home without permission.

On second thought maybe I should let her sleep on the bench, I mean what if she tries to rob me? Oh for fucks sake she not. Camila thought

"Okay this is my room." Lauren looked around the well sized room. And to say it was "messy" was an understatement. There was a corner for everything.One for clothes, another for trash. She even had a box of banana peels beside her bed.

"And where would I be sleeping" Lauren asked. "By the mysterious clothes monster or the box of black banana peels"

"How about next to the birds and countless piles of dog shit at the park." 

Lauren smiled and turned around towards the door. "I sure will." Camila grabbed her arm before she could touch the handle.

"No no i'm sorry, I was kidding." The smaller girl slid the box to the side and pointed to another corner of the room. "Look there's a small couch over there and, here, here's a blanket." She handed her a furry blanket with monkeys on it. Lauren subtly smiled. 


"Oh, if you want the closet is right there I have some shorts you can borrow to sleep in if you want." 


It was the best sleep Lauren's ever had.

It was 2:30 am when Camila had a certain urge to pee. She got up quietly not wanting to wake up the girl in her room and opened the door, but as soon as she did she heard quiet whimpering. 


"Please don't." Her voiced cracked as she pulled the tiny blanket over her face. "Please not tonight." 

Camila was confused. "Lauren i'm not, i'm not doing anything."  She assured the taller girl.

"I'm sorry, i'm so sorry. Please." She noticed Lauren was crying. Full on sobbing. Forgetting her trip to the bathroom Camila turned on a lamp in her room and went to the crying girl.

"Wha-" She pulled the blanket from off her and tapped her. "Lauren wake up." She shook her even harder until the girl shot up breathing heavily. It took her a while to fully realize she wasn't home. Or the place she called home. 

Lauren wiped her eyes. "M sorry, I- it was a nightmare. I should go." Camila watched as she got up. 

"No, it's fine you don't have to go." She pulled the dark haired girl onto her bed sat beside her. 

"Ar-are you okay? Do you want some water?" Camila asked full of concern.

"No i'm sorry it was a stupid dream,i'm fine." She lied. She wasn't fine. 

It was all going good until she heard the crack of a door opening and she was off. 

Camila didn't believe her but she didn't know her so she nodded and both girls was back to sleep. Except this time Lauren was in the same bed as the younger girl.

A/N Okay im a shitty writter but i mean i want to finsh this so why not. Please Comment and vote to save alife. 

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