a short kalanthukian story ;)

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Anthony returns home from their 4 hour shoot. 

"thanks for letting me crash at your place, man" Ian says as he follows Anthony into kitchen. 

"yea it's not a problem, I just hope you don't mind if Kalel and I have a little fun tonight ;). We haven't seen eachother in 4 hours. She gets restless"

Ian suddenly felt uncomfortable. He struggled to hide his desire for Anthony's sticky pickle. He never said anything because there were never any romantic feelings, only sexual ones. 

The two pour themselves some glasses of Dixon Cider. Like suddenly salad, Kalel appeared in the doorway. She was wearing a catsuit from head to toe. it was tight on her, essentuating her every musil and bone. Ian looked down at his hands. his shoulders titened in stress. he had no feelings or attraction towards kalel. he found her attempts at being sexy pathetic and bothersome. 

Anthony got up from his seat, knocking his chair over, but lukily he caught it in time. Ian rolled his eyes at the two of them. he was displeased with the idea of anthony being attracted to anyone but him. Kalel and Anthony went into the bedroom and started sex. Ian looked over into the living room. 

Suddenly, Buki scurried through the living room, past the kitchen and into the bedroom. 

Ian sat in confusion for a few minutes. Then, like suddenly salad, kalel's voice rang up. "FUCK YES BUKI UR SO GOOD AT SEX". Ian rose from his chair and rose in his pants. He ran into the bdroom to see what was going on.

On the bed layed Anthony, Kalel, and Buki all having sex. "JOIN US IAN!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted anthony. 

if it were Kalel or Buki that had offered him, he would have said no, but with Anthony he couldn't refuse. The idea of Anthony wanting his was like suddenly salad.  "HARDER" yelled Buki "FASTER" yelled Kalel. Ianthony ignored them. they gazed into eachothers eyes while also having sex at that time.

Pip coward in fear, running under the dresser and into the dark corner. Pip was a virgin who couldn't drive. the idea of a gang bang scared him. He shot out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. he went to call 911 but couldn't pick up the phone. He thought back to the time he guest starred on The Crockidile Hunter and decided he should just hide under the couch untill they weree done. They weren't planning on finishing anytime soon.

Back in the bedroom, Anthony was putting spray cheese on kalel's boobies. they were all having sex but they finished now. Kalel looked over at Ian, angry that he was there. "AFTER HIM BUKI". Kabuki sprang to her feet and chased ian out of the house. on the way out, ian grabbed his bags and his dixon cider. he didn't plan on coming back, but he was glad he had his moment with anthony. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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