018 | sleepover

146 7 0


you couldn't resist could you

it's a cute picture somin
you're literally always camera ready
even the blurry pics

flattery will get you nowhere

it's the truth
are you guys having a sleepover??
those were a lot of snacks

yeah we are

why'd they make you get snacks on your own

because i forgot to stock up like i promised
mijin offered to come with but lary had her in a koala lock

somehow i can picture that so clearly

yeah it's not hard
especially when it involves lary

you home yet

walking to the front door like ten feet away

should've let me accompany you

i told you i'm fine driving by myself at night
besides this place is safe
but thank you again
you're sweet

just worried

i'm fine
opening the front door now

i'm glad you're safe



i'll stop when you stop being cute

uh i have to get in the car now
talk later

drive safe

have fun at your sleepover

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