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i stand outside of the bathroom door until Ella 'the bitch' walks out...

Ella: omg, Kayla you scared me, why are you standing there?

Kayla: i don't know bitch!

Ella: what?

Kayla: why you been talking to Zach?

Ella: i wasn't!

Kayla: bitch, i saw the text!

Ella: fuck!

Kayla: yeah, i thought i could trust you!

Ella: you can, i'm sorry i wasn't going to go!

Kayla: you know what you can have him, but don't come to me when he gets you pregnant...

Ella: Kayla!

i get my stuff and start walking to the door...

Ella: Kayla, wait!

Kayla: nope! 

i walk down the stairs and Ella's parents were down there...

Ella's mom: are you leaving?

Kayla: yep!

Ella's Dad: why?

Kayla: congrats, you raised a hoe!

Ella's mom: what?

i just walk out the door and start walking home tearing up, when i get to my house i walk in and see my mom and Logan, right when i see them i start crying even more, they notice...

pam: what's wrong?

(Logan jumps up)

Logan: do i have to slap a bitch?!


Pam: what happened?!

Kayla: okay, i-i'm just going to s- say it...

Logan: say what?

Kayla: i-i'm pregnant!

Pam: what! this is a joke right!?!?

Kayla: no, i wish it was, i'm so sorry!

Pam: i know i this was going to happen!

Logan: it's Zach's isn't it?

Kayla: y-yeah...

Logan became really quiet, and look so disappointed he just walk outside and didn't say anything....

Pam: Kayla....

Kayla: i know i hate me...

Pam: no, i could never hate you, i just don't understand why this happened or how...

Kayla: mom, i think you know how...

Pam: how about you go get some sleep and we can talk in the morning...

Kayla: okay...

Pam: i love you Kay! (her nickname)

Kayla: love you too mom!


thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed i love you all!❤

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