Chapter 1. Prepare

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Hello everyone so this is BDSM story just so we are all clear.

Tears streamed down Dallas' face as he begged his parents not to do this. He didn't think his parents would react this way to him being gay. Dallas felt abandoned and betrayed. His whole world smashing to pieces of nothing in an hour. 

His father held him tightly dragging him into a building where people were lined up, boys all under the age of 20 but older than 14 were waiting silently. 2 men in tight black shirts held Dallas still while another removed his dad from the building. Apparently parents aren't involved in this process. Dallas stopped squirming so he wouldn't make a scene.

After 10 minutes Dallas was next and the man checking people in looked up and checked him out making him feel naked. After being thoroughly looked at, the ginger thrusted a clipboard full or paper in his face.

"Sign here, here and here, then go sit and fill out the rest on your own." 

Dallas wandered around the unadorned room, hoping for a seat, but found none. He then sat on the floor against a wall and began answering the questions handed to him, he had no where to go anyway. 

Dallas sat there, filling out the basic, easy questions, but leaving the 'difficult' ones blank. After returning the clipboard to the ginger, yet another dark-haired man with rippling muscles took him by the arm to a sleek, black sedan, being shoving in roughly. The door was slammed in his face before he could utter a sentence. The car sped down the empty streets of London until they pulled up to a run-down 3 story building.

Not that Dallas could see anything through the car's tinted windows. The door of the car opened and a beefy man grabbed him around the bicep, dragging him into the building and shoving him into a small examination room that resembled a doctor's.

Dallas was left alone. No windows. No door handles. No escape. It was only minutes before, a boy around 24 came in. He had light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Hello Dallas. My name is Luke and I will be assisting you in getting... prepared for the auction, but first I need to ask you some questions so I can complete the information in your folder." Luke said smiling at Dallas.

Dallas just stood there shaking. Luke titled his head, he then grabbed a washcloth from outside the cell, wetted it, and handed it to Dallas.

"Here, this will stop your eyes from being red and puffy." Luke said.

Dallas took it timidly and washed his face enjoying the hot cloth on his face before returning it to Luke.

Luke put it in a basket and turned back to the smaller boy. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to strip".

Dallas blushed feverishly and did what he was told, he didn't feel safe but he knew he had no choice. Slowly he took off his shirt throwing it aside, pulling down his jeans, and following with his boxers. Stepping out of them he then slipping out of his toms. 

Luke guided Dallas over to the wall with his hands where he measured his height, weight, and the length of his 'manhood'. He asked him if he had any allergies. After that Luke layed Dallas on the examining table.

"Now I'm going to wax your body so it's hair-free." Luke says gently.

Dallas nodded and whimpered in pain as his body was stripped of hair. The process was fast, but still painful.

Luke handed Dallas tight black boxers which he took gladly. He was not comfortable being exposed like this. While Dallas pulled the boxers on, Luke filled a needle with very strong tranquilizers. Dallas didn't need to be awake for this part. "Dallas-" Dallas turned to answer him. "I'm going to tattoo you now." And before Dallas could reply, Luke injected the tranquilizers into his jugular. 

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