Chapter 2: Training

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Hey everyone! It's Love and Jinete! Good to see ya whatsyourname! 

Dallas was perfect. From his feather brown hair, ocean blue eyes, to his cherry pink lips. He absolutely loved how small and innocent he was. The perfect submissive.

Jasper walked up on stage about to go claim Dallas before he was stopped by the auctioneer.

"Paperwork first, Asshole." He whispered.

Jasper simply stared up at the taller man, a pleasant smile on his face. "Why of course."

He then smoothly glided back stage. After completing the paperwork, a bouncer came and guided him to the holding cages. After stepping inside the large concrete room, the door was promptly shut behind him and locked. Jasper went through the cages, searching for his beautiful, blue eyed submissive.

After finding Dallas's cage, Jasper then opened the cage, holding out his hand gently for the boy to take. Dallas scowled at Jasper backing away. He did'nt want this vile person near him.

Jasper sighed pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation. He didn't like it when his submissives disobeyed.

"Dallas you are my submissive now and you will follow my orders. Come here." Jasper said in a low voice making the small boy feel smaller than he already was, which meant a lot considering that he was a small 5'6 to Jasper's 6'0. "Dallas........" Jasper repeats his eyes narrowing.

Dallas slowly came over not looking Jasper in the eye. He led the boy to his fire red Mercedes Benz, opening the passenger side for the smaller boy. Dallas hesitated. He felt very scared, his blood pumping.

"It's okay....." Jasper purred and gesturing for Dallas to get in the expensive car.

Dallas get's in, putting his fear aside, deciding he'd rather get in the car now instead of being forced later.

"Good boy." Jasper says starting the car and speeding off.

Everything was quiet in the car, Jasper was relaxed letting his mind think about Dallas as he watched the road with boredom. Dallas on the other hand was curled up in the passenger side shaking. He was honestly scared out of his mind and didn't trust Jasper at all. So they sat in silence as they went to the car.

"You can relax you know I'm not going to hurt you." Jasper says but Dallas doesn't listen to this, still shaking. 

The car finally pulled up to a huge iron gate that slowly opened to reveal a mansion. The whole 5 story house was amazing, Dallas let out a small gasp. The lawn was perfectly groomed with red and white roses blooming everywhere. Dallas used to live in a small flat where the only flowers were, well, they didn't really have any.

Jasper led the boy into the mansion. The entrance boasted a staircase made of light golden oak with bronze railings. The floors were made of polished granite, and all of his furniture was leather and fur, all warm neutrals and bright whites. He sat on his favorite Italian leather couch. Dallas just looked around, his mouth slightly open, taking in his surroundings. Everything was extremely expensive and it made Dallas feel out of place.

"Come here" Jasper said patting his lap.

Dallas's head snapped in the direction towards Jasper his knees buckling from his nervousness. A soft whimper escaped from his lips. He was petrified to the point where he was shaking miserably. Making Jasper get a wave of uneasiness. He wasn't going to hurt him. Instead of waiting for Dallas to come over, Jasper got up and gently pulled Dallas onto his lap, laying his head on his shoulders, rubbing the small of his back in circles.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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