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1. Limit your cursing

2. I don't care if you don't know all the backstory.. It just has to be realistic PLEASE. 

3. NO overpowered ocs. 

4. Please don't roleplay here if you haven't played at least 1 Kingdom Hearts game

5. You can have crushes on canon characters just don't make it cringy or I'm not roleplaying with you.

6. Let me confirm your form before you roleplay 

7. Be nice to others and especially to me. XD I have a life too!

8. I can't stand people who don't have good grammar.. so just try your best to have good grammar.

9 . Roleplay in third person. EX. Lily ran to Riku and hugged him as she laughed. 


Kingdom Hearts RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now