July 11, 2014 (Surviving Target)

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Hey Nerdfighters, it's Friday and this is my first entry as I talk to you guys. I'm sorry if it isn't clear what this "book" is supposed to be about, I think if I just start it will make more sense.

First order of business! As the FIFA world cup rages on and also simmers down, there's still one fundraiser that is going strong. That is the, in case you don't know, fundraiser for Sarcoma research. Sarcoma is a type of cancer and, like almost every type of cancer, there's so much we don't know about it. But guess what, Nerdfighters? We WANT to know about it because knowing means understanding and understanding means preventing/surviving/fixing. You on't have to give to the fundraiser but Nerdifghters as a whole can raise even more money than we have already gathered. So, I personally don't have a PayPal account but IF YOU DO, please head on over to:http://fightworldsuck.org/pickourteam.php

The other day, I was watching an old video (not one of the oldest but...you know) and it was about Hank's punishment of spending fifteen hours in Target. Okay, it's hilarious. Often times, the vlogbrothers are funny and yet they have an underlying message to spread to the world, but this video is just funny. I don't want to ruin it for you guys if you haven't seen it before (if and when you have, comment your thoughts) but here's what I managed to learn: never attempt to spend fifteen hours inside a Target because, although there's a lot to see and do, it doesn't take a full fifteen hours to do so.On that note, SURVIVAL GUIDE TIME!


1. Bring a jacket just in case it gets cold in the store because, you know, that can happen sometimes.

2. Don't rush through all the aisles like you usually would, try to look at each item and think about it a little. (FuzzBot? Wow, that's a stupid name.) This will increase the time you soend in each aisle and so you'll work your way through the Target a lot slower.

3. Compare prices. Hank actually does something like this in the video, he finds the best most calories per gram in candy throughout the entire candy aisle. Now this is a bit extreme but, honestly, spending that long in Target is sort of extreme. Do some math, stretch your brain.

4. Create a scavenger hunt. Make a list of ecclectic items that may or may not exist around the store and go in search of them all. I did this with a group of friends once (granted, we were at a mall) and we compiled about four or five scavenger hunts in total but it just really passed the time.

5. Don't obsessively look at the time. I know you'll want to but I promise that you'll just groan.

6. Don't be afraid to talk to people. Yes, it seems weird but people pass time. Maybe have a friend meet you at the store an hour before it;s over or so (refrencing video) to help you pass the worst of the time...the ending.

7 .Read the back of every DVD and book. This could pass some time for sure! Maybe boring, don't so this all at once. Chunks or else you'll end up going crazy.

8. Don't do anything that could end up getting you kicked out of Target because you will have failed at your mission and that's just not good.

9. Have fun. Do funny things, people watch, try on clothes. Try to make it your least miserable trip to Target ever. There are so many possiblities for things to do, just do them. (Also, you can listen to music at a little station. Listen to a song once and a while.)

10. Don't agree to spend fifteen hours in a Target, ever. Poor Hnak. :(

Here's the link if you want it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSffsb5ztRo

So yes, Nerdfighters, that survival guide is pretty useless and also not funny but you tell me, how would survive in a Target (or any store, really) for fifteen hours? Comment below.

One final thing to talk about before we go about our weekends, everbody, Don't Forget to Be Awesome (also, don't forget to being apples...)

I'll see you next Friday and DFTBA.

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