Chapter 8: Secrets

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Author's Note ~ So sorry that I have updated in a while... But wow, I can't believe that I reached 2000 reads! Thank you all very much =)

Chapter 8

I reached the corner of my street but Ethan was still no where in sight. So much for catching up. Maybe I should text him? Nope, that wasn't an option because I had only just realised that I didn't even have his number!

I had finally reached my house and made my way up the long, winding driveway. I gave one last glance back but Ethan still wasn't there. I then pushed through the front door where my mum was looking at me stubbornly. She still hadn't forgot about yesterday, and wasn't going to let me forget it for the rest of my life.

"I'm glad to see that you're not walking home with Ethan."

"But mum-'

"He's a bad influence on you."

I decided it was safer to say nothing then to come up with some witty comment. Mum would say I was 'backchatting.' So instead I just walked straight past her and headed stairs till I reached my bedroom. I flopped on my bed thinking about Ethan. How he was so good at everything, good-looking too... Just to be honest here.

Why did he have to be so perfect, in every aspect? His appearance; perfect brown eyes, matching coloured hair and that smile that seemed to make to light up a whole room and his personality; cute, charming, lovable, kind, funny... The list goes on. No wonder I was falling for him... Perfect boys were hard to come by, but I had finally found one.

The rest of the night I kept peeking through the curtains of my window to try and see if I could maybe get a quick glance of Ethan, but my window only overlooked into their guest bedroom and I was pretty sure no one would be going in that room...

The next morning when I walked to school, Ethan was yet again no where to be seen. Part of me was curious, but then again I was slightly annoyed why he was suddenly ditching me all of a sudden.

When I arrived at school, I saw Tayla tapping at her phone furiously. "What's up?" I said as I approached her.

"Liv!" She exclaimed, but that didn't entirely answer my question.

"What about Liv...?" I ventured, trying not to sound too nosy.

"We walk to school together everyday and always text each other if we're sick or if we can't make it..."

"Go on." I coaxed Tayla, suddenly intrigued with what she had to say. A certain part of me was beginning to grow suspicious, but not in a good a way.

"Well I was waiting outside her house today for half an hour today and she wasn't there? I sent her like a million texts and I've tried to call her so many times but she hasn't replied... Not even once!"

"Oh." I patted Tayla on the shoulder to empathise with her. She looked like she needed some support, but just then I felt like a light bulb had just flickered on in my brain.

Tayla hadn't seen Liv. I hadn't seen Ethan... There had to be a connection between both of their disappearances...

I told my theory to Tayla, explaining that I hadn't seen Ethan for the whole of yesterday afternoon and the morning as well.

"Hmm that does seem a bit strange?" Tayla raised an eyebrow. "Liv doesn't normally- LIV!" Tayla stopped mid-sentence and pushed past to run up to Liv and Ethan walking side by side. I botled after her.

"Where have you been!?" Tayla demanded.

I saw Liv lock eyes with Ethan. He shook his head quickly, but not quick enough for me not to notice.

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