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I sit down at a bar in New York and order a shot right away.

'(Y/n)! (Y/n) where are you?!'

The bartender comes back and hands me my drink, I down it and call for about four more. Images rush through my mind.

'(Y/n) we need to get out of here! The place is coming down with or without us! And they need our help! Your brothers and sister, their counting on us!'

My face stays unemotional as I down the next drink not feeling even a little buzzed.


Someone taps on my shoulder and I spin around to see Director Fury standing there. I turn back around and order him and me a shot. He sits down next to me at the bar, "I heard about your family and I wanted to tell you that we can help you get on your feet, and we are starting a little team that we would like you to join."

I nod slightly, then down my shot as we get handed them. I study his movements as he slowly drinks his shot. When he looks back I speak, "Sure, I'll join your little club on one condition," He seemed intrigued, "And that is?"

I smirked, "You pay my bill," He chuckled, "Deal," He shook my hand and started to pay the man, "Wait wait wait I still wanted more~" Fury shook his head, "We need to get you to Stark tower, that's where you will be staying." I sighed, "So I have to stay with the flirt?"

He shrugged and walked me to his car and drove off to the tower. He stopped in front of it and got out, opening my door for me. I stepped out and walked up to the front door then watched as Fury rang the buzzer then spoke, "Tell Stark that I need a favor," a computerized voice spoke,

"Mr. Stark says that he would allow you and the pretty lady to come inside," Then I heard a click and the door opened. I followed Fury through the halls and into a room that looked as if it were a lab.

I looked around in wonder but then heard a person walk up to us. When I looked at who it was I saw Tony Stark wearing a Black Sabbath shirt and black jeans, "Hey Fury, who's this?" He said and smiled at me which I shyly returned,

"This is (Y/n) (L/n) and I would like it if she could stay here with you and the rest of the Avengers," Tony nodded, "I bet we could find a place for her somewhere," He winked at me and that spread a light pink tint across my cheeks, "Great, your bags are in the lobby (Y/n),"

He said and left me in the room with the billionaire playboy, "I'll get Cap to get your bags from the lobby," You shook your head, "No no no that woukd be asking to much, I can get them Mr. Stark, thank you for letting me stay here," He chuckled, "Just call me Tony, your welcome.

But at least let me help you with your bags," You sighed, "Are you sure," He smiled widely and said, "Yes of course doll," You blushed slightly but then followed Tony to the lobby, "Do you have any powers?" I nodded and started to make everything around me fly while I levitated aswell.

I then started to move everything then I smiled seeing Tony's surprised face, "I can do more but I'll leave that for later," I said and put everything back where it was and stopped levitating. He stood stunned for a moment then smirked, "A lady of many talents huh dollface?"

I blushed a little more and smiled, "I guess you could say that," He chuckled and we continued to walk to the lobby. Tony insisted that I didn't carry anything and walked me to my room placing all of my stuff down he turned to me,

"Come down to the living room whenever you're ready, I would like you to formally meet the Avengers." He kissed my knuckles and walked off leaving me speechless. I squealed and jumped on my bed. I pulled myself together and unpacked all of my things.

I checked myself in the mirror then changed what I was wearing. I put on a plaid green flannel and black ripped jeans. I double checked myself in the mirror and was content with what I was wearing. I grabbed my phone and left my room closing the door behind me.

I started to walk around then realized that I didn't know how go get to the living room. I remembered Tony's robot guy that can talk to us from anywhere, "H-hey guy that let me in, can you tell me where the living room is...?"

"My name is Jarvis and the living room is downstairs and the the right Miss (L/n)." I smiled, "Thank you Jarvis," "Of course Miss (L/n)," I walked to the elevator and pressed the button to go down.

I went down and walked into the living room where all of the Avengers were sitting and waiting to meet me, even that guy who attacked New York was there. I stared at him for a bit. He was actually very handsome and I loved his raven hair; it looked so silky and it hung over his shoulders.

I stopped staring as people started to notice me, "Um- I-uh- H-hi," I shuddered as they all looked at me. Then Stark came beside me and slung his arm around me, "To the newest Avenger!" He said and raised his drink while handing one to me.

Everyone else did the same except that beautiful raven haired man. He looked up at me and stared for a minute when I looked at him he raised his glass slightly and drank. I smiled and drank mine after him.

Do you guys like it or should I discontinue? Please tell me and don't forget to vote. Bye minna! I love you!!

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