Chapter 25 Shock

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Circe. Coco. Who are you? What are you? I watched as she fell and died. Slowly and painfully. Why did she die? What is so wrong about her? Damien's answer didn't explain much.

Yet I started to remember seven years ago. When I snuck into the coffee shop. I remember the women saying the killer's hair was bl- but the cops thought she meant black but it was blue. Little things came back to me.

Moving here I had thought Circe was beautiful, I had loved her hair. So did Alice. Then that massacre with those five boys, and the whole coffee shop. Then my memory faded and so did the town's. Although I still don't know how people forgot about Circe.

I opened my eyes and saw guards standing around Damien. He was laughing like a maniac. Then a blue glow emanated from her. She was moving. Circe is alive? Hope sprung up in me. I watched her body sit up, the way she was moving was weird. Her eyes were closed, and her head was leaned back. Circe's body was slowly lifted above ground.

"Shoot!" Damien yelled. The men with the guns shot at Circe's floating body. The blue light that surrounded her deflected the bullets with ease. Damien yelled at Hina, those things came out of Hina and tried to break through the barrier. The light deflected her as well.

I looked over at Hina who was shaking. "It burns!" How did one so young get dragged into whatever the heck this is.

The light started to brighten, it illuminated the now dark clearing. Everyone was bathed in a cool blue light. I widened my eyes. "What's happening?" I heard someone yell.

The light started to spin and become bigger. Twirling and spiting out little blue tornados. The wind picked up, it was like we were in a twister. I stood up and tried to get closer to Circe, although I couldn't see her I squinted to see if I could make out her shape. I reached out to feel around, the light engulfed me and blew me backwards. I landed with a thud.

I noticed the spinning was slowing and the wind was slowly disappearing. The light was dying down. It grew dimmer, and dimmer.

"Damien what's happening?" Hina wailed. I noticed few burn marks on her skin. I looked at Damien, hoping he could answer. I had noticed his guards had left him, probably got scared.

I looked back at the light, I could see her figure, no two figures. What?

"Damien who is that?" I yelled him, he just looked back at me terrified. I noticed Hina was shaking as well.

This defiantly was not a good sign. I watched the two blue haired figures. One on the right was Circe, I could tell by the hair. The one on the left was a mystery, her hair was constantly changing colors. The slowly rotated in a circle. Then the light was almost completely gone, when they opened their eyes.

The mystery girl looked around the clearing, "Well, well, seems I am finally back."

I saw Circe smirk. A creepy smile spread over her face. "Circe!" I yelled. She faced me, her face remained stiff, she was now frowning.

What happened to her?

The women next to Circe spoke, "How have you been Demon?" the women started to laugh. I saw Damien creep over toward me. He kept looking at me. "I expect an answer Demon."

"Run!" Damien screamed at me. I glanced at him than ran. I dashed through the woods the blue light was fading from my sight. I ran to the hall where homecoming was. I starting to see a new light. Red and blue, the cops are here. I slowed down my run. I had to stop, were they here for Circe? Or did something at homecoming happen? I walked towards the flashing lights.

I came out of the woods and looked at a hundred faces staring at me. I was speechless.

"Jason get out of there!" one cop yelled. I just stared.

"Jay!" I heard Alex call. I walked towards the crowd.

"Why are the cops here?" I asked.

"We were told a killer was loose in these woods." someone yelled.

"Where is Coco, Jason?" another person yelled. My throat clenched up. I looked back into the woods. There was a rustling. I just stood there. Frozen in place.

Circe walked through the trees, I saw guns relax.

"It's just Coco." I heard a cop say.

A cop came toward us, and I stole a quick glance at Circe she was looking down at her toes. I looked up when I felt a hand touch my shoulder, "Jason? Was there anything you saw? What were you guys doing out there?" he asked us, I looked at his name plate and it read 'Jack'.

I was confused now, "Jack? Why is the force here?"

"I told you, we got a call that there was a killer, the person is unidentified. But people said they saw some weird lights in there, so we are wondering if it's all connected." he whispered to me.

So everything did happen, should I say Circe is the killer, although it probably is the other girl, is Circe connected to her? Why is she here? What is she going to do? My thoughts zipped through my head. An arm pulling me broke these thoughts.

Jack was leading us toward the crowd when Circe stopped.

"Is something wrong Coco?" Jack asked her.

Circe looked up, her eyes piercing him, "Is there?"

A choking sound came from Jack's throat, then his head fell of his body. The crowd went into a shocked silence. We all stared at Circe.

Circe stood straight up and smiled at the crowd. She started laughing a crazy laugh. Everyone was to shocked to scream. Circe's maniacal laugh rung through the crowd.

It felt like the world stopped, I looked at the dead fallen body, then up to the crowd. Everyone was scared quiet. Even the cops just sat there.

I heard something slice through the air, I saw another cops head fall to the ground. Screaming broke out, I saw some people leave and some were rooted to their spot. People were running everywhere, I felt an arm grab me I tried to see who it was no one was there. I screamed in terror, and I realized I was being pulled toward Circe.

I was soon right next to Circe, "Stay here." she said. I heard gun shots I closed my eyes. Waiting to hit us. I tried to run but there was still an iron grip on my arm. I opened my eyes when I felt nothing. I saw little bullets levitating in the air. I looked at Circe. She seemed to be concentrating on something. Once most of the gun fire stopped I watched the bullets being flung back in retaliation.

I saw bodies fall, from policemen, to my classmates. I looked at her in horror. I started to pull against the grip that was restraining me.

Circe looked at me, "What's wrong?"

"You monster!" I spat.

Her face froze, she looked at me her eyes darkening. "Am I really?" she whispered, it sounded like a threat. Circe looked down, I saw a tear fall.

"Circe..." I said, feeling... guilty almost. I attempted to reach out for her arm, but she slapped it away. Then I felt a force shove me back away from her.

"I thought you would understand!" she screamed, her voice full of sorrow. Then she ran in the woods. I was on the ground now, with the wind knocked out of me. I looked up at the starry sky, lost in thought.

"Jason you okay?" I heard a voice, I looked over it was Alex.

"I am glad you are okay," I breathed, forcing myself to sit up.

"We should probably get out of here, and go to your house. The town's in a panic because of how we don't know how she kills."

A flashback of ghostly things coming out of Circe's back came to me, should I tell?

"Lets go, the army is coming tomorrow, at least from what I heard, since my dad is in the force as well. I will bring you to your house though. Is it okay if I stay?"

"Yea, of course." I sighed, finally gaining the strength to move.

"Lets go, I know this has been one hell of a night for you."

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