Here it Goes

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What should I tell them? Peter thought to himself over and over again as he walked. It was already past six in the evening and he knew that he couldn't stay out for a little longer. He needed to go home, even if he still didn't want to. It was family night and his parents would never forgive him if he missed it, especially when it was the only day of the week that they were all together. It was not that he didn't want to go home. He wanted to. It was just that he didn't know what to tell his parents when they noticed and asked him what was wrong. "Dammit," he cursed. He didn't do anything wrong. There was no reason for him to be afraid of them. He shouldn't be afraid to go home and face them.

They can't see me like this, he thought. Come on, Peter. Make yourself look happy. Or else, they'd be worried.

He was already in front of his house, but he was still holding himself back. He was starting to consider calling Ned to help him make an excuse for him to miss family night. Sure, they would be mad, but he can handle that more than going home tonight looking like the whole sky has fallen on him. Too late. I'm already home.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened the front door. They couldn't see him like this, so he mustered a smile and yelled, "I'm home!"

Pepper showed up and said, "Well, look who's home late!" She put her hands on her waist, pretending to look mad at Peter who was never home late on family nights. "I was starting to think that you're not coming home."

He smiled. This time, it was a real smile. "Hi, mom," he greeted her. "I'm sorry. I lost track of time."

Pepper smiled at him and said, "Nah, it's fine. I was just kidding."

He couldn't help himself anymore. He felt like he was about to burst out crying. So, he hugged her to hide his face from her. This was the reason why he didn't want to go home; he didn't want his parents to see him sad because he knew how much they worry whenever he was sad.

"Sweetie, I was just kidding," Pepper said while returning hugging him back. "I'm not really mad."

"I just feel like hugging you, mom," Peter said softly while holding back his tears. Dammit, he thought. I can't hold it anymore.

He noticed Pepper sensed the sadness in his tone. She broke the hug and looked at his face worryingly. "Oh, Peter. What's wrong?" she asked. "Did something happen?"

Peter forced a smile and said, "I'm fine. I just got something in my eye."

"I am your mother," Pepper said firmly. "I know when you're not okay."

"I swear I'm fine. Just tired, I guess," he assured her. Before she could say anything, he asked, "Where's dad?"

"He's downstairs on his lab," she replied. She won't stop looking at him worryingly. "How about you go upstairs and change, while I make you your favorite comfort food? Then we'll talk about it, whatever it is that upsets you. How does that sound?"

It sounded like the perfect plan, but he wasn't sure he was ready to tell them about it yet. "You don't have to," he replied. "I'll be fine."

Pepper gave up with a sigh. "Okay. If you don't want to talk about it, then I won't force you to."

"Thank you," he said as he went upstairs to his room.

"I'm still making your favorite, though," Pepper called out to him. "Dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets and waffles."

Peter laughed. "I love you."

Tony was so focused on the surprise that he has been working on for Peter for family night that he did not hear him yell "I'm home!" from upstairs. He couldn't wait to finish it so that he could finally show it to him. His was convinced that his son would love it so much and he couldn't help himself from smiling as he imagined the look on his son's tiny face when he finally gave it to him. He tinkered with the device once more before letting out the breath that he has been holding on for the last couple of minutes. Finally! It was done!

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