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It was the last day of school, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened on a school trip.

What happened on the school trip: (we were on a trip with the school that lasted 4 days on the sea)

My best friend asked my ex-crush to go play truth or dare at our room I was okay with that because why not we were friends. So we are in our room and with us are playing 2 more girls.it was really fun but then I chose dare and one of the girls said that I need to kiss my exchrush on the lips I was shoked but stil I wanted to do it so I did but something unexpected happened, he kissed back and I fell in love with him again and yea I loved him 2 years and he knew that but in those 2 years it was like I love him for 2 months I kinda stop then he loves mo for 1 month then I start to like him but then he stops and so goes in circles.everybody was in shook then we needed to go to lunch. After the lunch, we got back to our room and played kinda normally but at the night he sneaked out of his room and got back to ours and we played and one of the girls set him a dare to take off his shirt and that my best friend needs to wear it, he did but my friend didn't want to wear it so he just try to put it back but then the animal inside me decides to jump on him and wrestle with him for that shirt and omg we were in some questionable poses but it was fun I got the shirt but while we were fighting i bit him in few places. We all got tired after that and decided to go to sleep. The next day in the morning I forgot I was wearing his shirt, we are going to the breakfast and well all eyes were on me and him when he got in the cafeteria then I decided to ignor them and go pick mine food but few people asked like are you two in a relationship and I said no because well we were not. Later that day we were at the city and we got some free time so for some reason me and him are left alone so we are talking having fun than one of my friend's cames and we all start to talk but then my crush tries to kiss me and my being in panic avoids it. My friend did not notice that thank god because my best friend kinda likes him too so yea that's the hard part then I was thinking about my best friend and he notices something is bothering me he asks me then what wrong and I decided to tell him so i tell the whole story when he says that he does not love her that he loves me and he asks me if I like him and I say that I have a boyfriend which I did and avoid the question. The next day we were going home but on the bus, my friend after some time started to listen to the music oh and yea she told she does not love him anymore so I was happy so because she was doing her thing and my crush was sitting alone I jumped to seat next to him and we talked like 10 minutes and then we both fell asleep but I was sleeping on his shoulder.

Back to the present.

At school right now we are eating pizza and listening to music pretty great but i set myself a challenge to kiss my crush on the lips again.

I'm home i can't believe the school is over. The rest of the day I was watching anime and later I was going out with my friends to McDonalds and omg I'm not sad anymore that school is over, why was I even said don't get that at the beginning of the year i can't wait for summer but when the year ends im sad like what?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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