Chapter 5: Back Again

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"Honey, I—I'm sorry" Karen stuttered. "I was forced! He did this to get to your daughter!" Karen's eyes looked somewhere in her father's. He was as cold as ice and didn't know whose side to choose from.

"I thought it quite the opposite, in fact." Sarah says looking at her nail sarcastically smiling.

"You know what, fine! Believe what you will, Sarah. I was forced I tell you! Your boss wanted me so you'd get jealous which I think was impossible and then the next thing I know is he's on my back forcing me to get undressed."

Sarah scrunched her nose. That was a bit possible. She did leave her boss at her doorstep with Jareth. "How about when you got to the house really weird outfitted? Your clothes were slightly seducing, if I might say so." She was a bit unfitting to be out in the open in those clothes. She had to be doing it before she went in.

Karen was rendered speechless. Both Williams looked at her with utter suspicion. The room was too silent you could hear the clock ticking.

"Remember the lines you said to me, Sarah?" Karen looked at Sarah. She was sincerely grabbing Sarah's attention.

"What lines?" She couldn't possibly be talking about the wishing words. Jareth was ultimately waiting for this which was not the best time to say about now. "What does this have to do with your adamant cheating?"

"This is to prove to you that I am sincere when I say that I'm innocent. I never believed in your Labyrinth that had obvious backwater beliefs... I will then wish you away, so you'd snap out of your fantasies and believe me for once."

"You can't be serious—I can't believe you! I wished you both here and yet you won't even believe me?" Sarah jerked. Karen didn't know which was real and isn't. Who can blame her? She didn't see magic sparkles around Jareth when she met him. Before she could say any more, her father finally butted.

"Of course the fictional world of a book doesn't exist, Karen. And even if it was, it wouldn't give any attention to your wish. I went here on my own volition Sarah." He says. Sarah raised her brows. He wasn't taking a side yet but she can feel he was trying to calm both down. It wasn't helping at all. And why did he say on his own volition? 

Didn't she wish them both to come there? It's so fucking confusing!

'You know magic has limitations, sweet thing... a fabrication is fitting for the order of your timeline not to be overrun with chaos.' She heard Jareth's whisper. Obviously, her reality is far different than that of theirs then... This just shows how much she's in a difficult position.

"NO! Your daughter is ill, Robert. She even tells you of teleportation!" Karen said looking at Robert, Sarah's father. (Yeah I kinda found that just now)

"You cheated!" Sarah shouted. Although she banned herself many years ago about saying it, "It's unfair to say it doesn't affect anything." And this was an entirely different case.

"Oh really? By now I imagined you would have moved on from that line of thinking." She says coldly. "I will now prove that I'm right and you're a mad delusional mid 20's woman who hasn't clearly moved on from her teenage hallucinations!" Angrily Karen whipped her head up and remembered the line.

She can't wish someone away! "Iwishthegoblinsaren'tlistening—

"I wish the Goblin King would take Sarah Williams as his queen—" Karen was supposed to add 'as she always sketches about' but it didn't fit the race they were putting up.

--right now"

"Right now." Sarah lost her wish as Karen wished the Goblin King's presence directly.

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