Chapter 4

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I was really happy once we stopped talking about Calum because I think I'm starting to really like him but I know I shouldn't. I mean, he's Finn's 'big brother' what would to happen to Finn if we dated and then broke up. I can't risk doing anything that could hurt Finn, he's been so unhappy for so long and when he hangs out with Calum he's finally smiling again.

"Hello, anybody home?" I yell as I enter my house after a very filling lunch. Since nobody answers I assume Finn is still out with Calum. I lie down on the couch and start scrolling through twitter when I see there's gonna be a party at Alex's house tonight. I start thinking back to my party days and remember that Alex always threw the best parties and I find myself actually debating about going. But something interrupts my train of thought.

"Oh no! The Joker kidnapped Doby! We have to save him!" I hear Calum shout as he runs down the stairs holding a Lego car in one hand and a mini figure in the other.

"Harry Potter and Captain America to the rescue!" Finn shouts running after him with his Harry mini figure in hand.

"Having fun?" I ask sitting up.

Calum immediately stops 'fighting' so intensely with Finn and looks a little embarrassed about the fact that he's 18 years old and playing with Legos. "Oh, hi Logan. I uh didn't see you there." Calum says.

"I saved Doby!" Finn shouts as he snatches the mini figure from Calum, who had stopped playing at this point.

"So how was the big group get together?" I ask.

"Michael's mean." Finn says.

"No he's not." Calum says in an exasperated tone. "He just got his eyebrow pierced and Finn kept trying to pull at it no matter how many times Michael and I told him to stop."

"Where any of the boys nice?" I ask Finn who was now sitting on the kitchen table playing with his Legos.

"Allen likes Legos."

"Ok well do you want to invite Allen over for a play date so you guys can play with your Legos-"

"No. Only me and Mommy and Logan and Calum can play Legos with me." Finn then picks up all of his stuff from the table and goes upstairs.

"Wow, he seems very protective over his Legos." Calum says.

"Yeah but I would feel very accomplished if I were you, you've only know him for a couple weeks and he's already letting you play with his stuff. For a while I was only allowed to touch my mini figure and that was it. I kept asking if I could touch anything else and he always said no." I say.

"There's your problem, I didn't ask. I just started grabbing pieces and parts and made an adventure for him."

"Oh my God, how did Finn not freak out?" I ask in shock. Finn still barely let's me play with him. That was always his and Dad's thing.

"I don't know he just kinda went with it. At one point Princess Leia was captured by the Hulk and Captain America, that's my mini figure, has to save her single handedly because Harry Potter, that's Finn, had to distract Captain Barbosa so Captain America could sneak into the room where the Hulk was hiding Princess Leia. Captain America totally saved the day though, and Finn even made Leia give Captain America a kiss as a thank you." He says proudly.

I start to laugh a little at the fact that Finn was setting me and Calum up through Lego pieces, which causes Calum to give me a weird look. "Calum, that's me. Princess Leia is my mini figure."

Calum's eyes go wide and I can see him start to blush. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know, Finn just told me to save the princess and he was the one who made them kiss, not me and-"

"Calum, it's ok."

"You sure."

"Yeah, you didn't know. Plus it's Legos."

"Yeah, just Legos." Calum says looking down, probably still feeling a little awkward like me.

We're both quiet for a good 15 seconds and that just adds to the awkwardness.

"Well I should probably get going. I'm going to a thing later and I need to get ready, so I'm just gonna say bye to Finn." Calum says making his way towards the stairs.

"What kind if thing?" I ask following him up the stairs.

"Nothing fancy, just this party at my friend Alex's house."

"Wait, I know Alex. I was actually thinking about going tonight but I wasn't sure if I should or not." I say. If Calum is going tonight then I'll definitely be there.

"Yeah well, Michael is forcing me to go because apparently I need to go out more often, but if you're going then I know I'll have fun." He says smiling at me.

"Alright then I'll look for you there." I say smiling back.

"Alright." Calum pops his head through the door to Finn's room. "Bye bud, I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"Bye Calum. See you tomorrow." I hear Finn respond blankly.

"If you can't find me I'm usually with my friends and they are pretty easy to spot, if you hear a really loud laugh, see a kid who's freakishly tall, or a kid with bright red hair I'm probably close by." He says.

"Haha ok, see you later tonight."

"Bye Logan." Calum says walking out.

"Bye Calum."

I know I promised Maddie and Christine that I wouldn't go to another one of those parties but Calum is going, and he's a good guy, at least I hope, and I don't think he'd let me make a fool out of myself.

I walk into Finn's room and see him putting away all of his Legos from his adventure with Calum.

"Hey nugget." I say sitting down next to him.

"Hi Logan." He says still focusing on his Legos.

"So did you have fun with Calum today?"

"Yes." He says blankly.

"Well, what did you do?"

"We played Legos and had an adventure."

"What kind of adventure?" I ask. I know eventually Finn will get annoyed with me asking a bunch of questions because he doesn't really like to talk all that much, but I try to have at least one long conversation with him a day.

"You were in trouble so I made Calum save you and I helped." Finn says.

"And then you made me kiss Calum?" I ask.

"That's how girls say thank you to the hero. Calum was your hero so I made you kiss him."

"So what else happened in your adventure?" I ask. I still can't believe Finn did that, it's not like him, but he is a teenage boy and I guess he's growing up.

"I don't wanna talk right." He says like always.

"Alright, well thanks for talking to me bud. When mommy gets home, I'm gonna leave, ok?"

"Don't tell mommy?" Finn asks, still a routine from when I partied a lot.

"Yeah, don't tell mommy." I say as I stand up and start to walking out of the room when I hear Finn say something.

"Don't get in trouble Logan."

That's something my dad always told me every time I left the house. My dad knew I was a bit of a rebel and he was ok with that, he just wanted to make sure I was safe. I haven't heard those words since he died, and hearing Finn say them made me tear up a little. I walk back over to Finn and give him a kiss on the head.

"Don't worry buddy, I won't." I say as I walk out of his room and into mine so I can get ready for this party.

I'm still not really over the fact that Finn said that too me. I know my dad wouldn't like my partying nature but I never really got into trouble. Plus tonight will be different because I'll have someone there to look out for me instead of fending for myself I'll have Calum. Maybe Calum really is my hero...

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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