Percabeth Finding Out

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I was sitting on the beach waiting for Percy. We had a date. Percy was running late, that Seaweed Brain. The whole thing was a surprise for him because we haven't seen each other in two weeks while he helped out at home and I visited my family. He only knew to meet me at the beach. That's all I told him.

2 minutes later,deep in though I feel strong arms wrap around me and the smell of the ocean becomes slightly more intense as I realize Percy was finally here.

"You did all this for us?" Percy asked.

"Well...yeah. We haven't seen each other in what seems like forever!" I shrugged

"It's definitely been way too long. I missed you a lot, Wise Girl." Percy agreed.

Percy adjusted his arms and position so he was sitting next to me and I leaned on his shoulder and sighed contently.

"I love you" I told him.

He smirked,"I know. I love you too Wise Girl"

I turned to look at him and those beautiful sea green those eyes..."I've missed you so much Seaweed Brain"

"I've missed you too Annabeth" Percy said.

I kissed him and he kissed me back. It was automatic for us to kiss a lot of the time. Whether it was as a good bye or just a simple peck because we felt like it. This was passionate. 'I love him so much and he loves me,I thought'

He laid back in the sand with my hand on his chest while we stilled kissed. His tongue glider over my lower lip asking for entrance and I opened my mouth and kissed him back. His lips tasted like salt and it all felt so familiar and relaxing. This was perfect.

We pulled away and decided we should eat as my stomach growled,pretty loudly I guess because he heard it too.

We ate and chatted about what had happened in our lives over the past 2 weeks.

"I visited and helped out at camp a lot. Well,both camps actually because Jason wanted me to help him with those statues of his he is building for all he gods and goddesses." Percy said.

"My family and I went to Panama City Beach to surf for a week. Then we went home and hung out there, went to a zoo. That's about it although it was a lot of fun" I explained to Percy, while eating.

Once we were done eating we walked down the beach of Long Island Sound when Leo came running down to us and told us Chiron wanted us in the big house for a special announcement.


I was slightly concerned while holding Annabeth's hand walking to he big house. What if something had gone wrong in camp Jupiter? I had no idea how I feel. I was just happy to be back Annabeth at the moment though.

"Come, Come in then everyone is already in here!" Chiron said excitedly.

That was weird. Chiron sounded pretty excited. Not bad but just different because we had recently just defeated Gaea(thanks to Leo).

"We're coming! But what's so important?" I asked, confused.

"You will see, Percy and Annabeth. Just come in. Your friends are waiting." Chiron ushered us into the living room.

We sat sat down with my arm over Annabeth's shoulders and I saw who Chiron meant by "everyone". Sitting around the table was Thalia, Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Nico, Will, Travis, Katie, and Connor.

"Ok, what is going on?! I was just about to prank the Aphrodite cabin! Oh...uhhh I mean no I wasn't. What prank? Who said that?" Connor avoided all eye contact with Piper since she was head counselor of the Aphrodite cabin.

Piper glared at him but didn't really seem to care that much so we all averted our eyes back to Chiron to see what this meeting was about.

"You are probably confused as to why I have gathered you all here." He began. We all nodded our heads in agreement and he carried on. "Well I am pleased to inform you all hat you have been chosen to attend Goode High school.

We all looked around at each other in shock. Unsure of what to say or think at first.

"I'll try not to get kicked out this time." I said.

"Unlike the past 6 schools you have attended. A change would be good." Chiron said nodding in approval.

"That's awesome!" Leo exclaimed.

"The more pranks the merrier!" Travis yelled excitedly.

"No pranks ,boys" Chiron said disapprovingly.

"Cool!" Said Jason.

"This will be fun! I've been wanting to go back to normal school for a while now after that quest." Piper admitted.

Nico looked scared and nervous and extremely cautious. I looked at him and made eye contact 'We'll talk later' was our silent agreement

"How? Where will we live? I don't have a house here? I know I'm not the only one that doesn't. What are the details? Do the gods approve of this?" Leave it to Annabeth to question everything.

Chiron explained that the gods approved and had provided a place for us to stay,which Chiron assured us we would love, and told us all that our schedules had been requested to be as similar as possible while still giving us ample opportunities to socialize with mortals.

Chiron finished explaining things and dismissed us because we would be leaving the next morning. It was 7:00pm, time for dinner. With that we all headed down to the Dining Pavilion and greeted our cabin mates. Except me, I went and sat with Annabeth (with special permission from Chiron) to say good bye to everyone.

After dinner we headed back to our cabins and I kissed Annabeth goodnight. As I walking to my cabin I thought about how lucky I was. I have the best girlfriend in the world. But there a little nagging at the back of my mind, I was worried about this school year. I was worried for our relationship. Then I thought about how much we had been through and decided this would be nothing.

With that I changed and got into bed, excited about the day to come and everything that day would mean for our lives.


I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! I rly enjoyed writing. Please comment and let me know what you think! I will be trying to stay active and update as often as possible. Love y'all! ~1097 words~

Should I continue? Idk if anyone would even want to read this. 🤷‍♀️

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