How it started?

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Once upon a time there was two adults, Madelyn (Mom) and Mika Yellow (Dad) that wanted children, but something went wrong. The mother never knew that she had some wolf genes in her blood. They had two children Goldy and Rose, but something in Rose's genes made them not want her... When Rose born she was part wolf and they could tell something wrong because she had tiny wolf ears and a tiny tail. Because of this, when she able to somethings (walk and almost talk) on her own they gave to some part wolf couple. The married wolf couple, Kim (Mom) and John Mary (Dad) didn't even know who they were, parents of Rose just said "Take her, we don't know how to take care of her, so please don't tell her about us." And with that they were off never to be seen again or so they thought. But there's a catch, Rose already knew her sisters name. So she would search her anywhere when she got a little bit older. They basically adopted Rose, but I'm pretty sure they made it official though... (Idk)

A/N~ I'm sorry this a bit every where. The names were auto generated too, so sorry if their not correct. It's all for this story.

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