Chapter 3

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“Damn, baby!” A man shouts at me, as I twirl quickly around the pole. I grimace at his drunken yell. Working here for about a year now, I should be used to it. And I’m not. I don’t think I ever will be. Yeah, the money’s good and all. But being viewed like a piece of meat by these guys isn’t pleasant. Especially since their eyes are filled with lust and I can tell that the dirty thoughts they think, they really want to act out.

 With internal hesitation I stop twirling and grind against the pole, sending the large crowd of guys crazy. I hate my job. A sex object is not how I want men to see me. But ya gotta make money somewhere.

 I get the routine over with as quickly as I can but still manage to drive the men crazy. I walk to the front of the stage and strut around in front of the guys. They whistle while tucking money in my panties.

 After my part is over, I go back to the dressing room and get ready to go home.. Wiping off my glitter, I stare at myself in the mirror. Is this really what I want to do for the rest of my life? Of course it’s not but there’s no way out.

 Sighing, I pick up my bag. Waving bye to the girls, I exit the club and head to my car. Just as I get my keys out, I see a blurry black shadow out of the corner of my eye. Panic builds up in my stomach, but I try to stay calm. Just as I get to my car, I’m grabbed and roughly knocked to the ground.

 I struggle and try to fend off my assailant. As I begin to scream, a hand presses against my mouth; gagging me. I fight harder but that only fills him with anger.

 He tugs harder at my clothes and I try to fight back. I scratch and claw but it’s no use. I am overpowered.

 He defiled me. Humiliated me.  I lie there, bloody, and watch him leave. I slowly get to my feet, crying. I have to get out of here. Shaking, I unlock my car and speed away. Drive away from this hell.

 I changed that night. Started carrying a knife to protect myself. And I swore to myself that I would never let men hurt me in any way again.



 “How many people live here?” I asked Merle as he showed me around Woodbury. Seeing people live normally and going about their everyday business was strange. After living in the woods for so long, interaction with other people was going to take a long time to get used to again.

 “76. One of the women’s about to drop her sprog; so then it’ll be 77.” He replied. I rolled my eyes at his typical redneck answer but nodded just to keep the peace.

This town had everything. Hot running water, food, beds. It was like living in normality again.

 “Where do you get your supplies from?” I inquired. I was so darn curious all of a sudden. I needed to relax.

 “We all go on runs. Yer good at that, sugar?” Merle asked.

 “Yeah. I can do that. It’s easy.” I said.

 “Hmph. We’ll see. Always laundry if yer can’t.” He said.

 “Shut up, Merle!” I retorted, indignantly. “I’m not doing the fucking laundry no matter what!”

 Merle froze and stared at me, shocked. I kinda felt pleased with myself that I’d managed to shock him. But I knew the silence wouldn’t last as he’d have something snarky to fire back.

Poisoned Hearts (A Merle Dixon Story) (On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant