Chapter 25 - Kitchen Fun

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Have you heard of the AU "Bittybones", where all of the monsters are small and you can adopt them?

So, I was thinking of writing a little fanfiction of this where basically I adopt some and take care of them. It'd be a cute little side story with no real plot and just for me to write when I have writers block on here. I just find the AU so adorable and I want all of the Bittybones!)

The Tuesday night after Dream and Ink git lost, Geno decided to invite a few people over from work for a little 'sleepover' at his place. Geno always felt like his house was too empty and quiet when he was alone, so he often had over guests, basically every night. Mostly Cross stayed over, he basically lived there, except for he didn't pay rent and didn't have an official room, Geno just never wanted to sleep in an empty house. This night, he had over Cross, Lust, and Dream, who usually came over to his house once a week. Usually everyone at work came to his house at least once a week, everyone that worked there before the transfer had practically memorized where he lived since he invited them over so much.

It was actually quiet interesting. Geno hated meeting new people, but he couldn't stand being alone. So, he needed other people to force him to talk to others.

Ink couldn't come because he was taking care of P.J, Sans because he was too busy napping, Sci because he promised to take his brother rollar blading, and Alphys was going on a date with her girlfriend again. Then there was Blue, who was going somewhere with his Fiancé. And Geno hadn't invited any of the new members, since he hasn't gotten to know them too well yet.

In translation, he avoided them like the plague because he was shy around new people.

Geno's house was practically a mansion. He had around five bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a large kitchen with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, a large game room for a basement, an indoor pool with a hot tub, and so much more.

Sure, the job he had wasn't great paying, but he didn't really need a job, he only did it to hang out with his friends so he wouldn't be alone during the day. Geno's parents were rather wealthy before they were killed in a plane crash with his brother, leaving him to inherit the family fortunes when he turned 18. Of course, multiple greedy grown ups had tried to steal his money when he was younger, but Geno was a very smart child and was able to get them arrested for what they tried to do. His wealth was actually the reason he was so shy, because he was afraid to tell people about himself. So many people just became his friend to get the benefits of a friend with a lot of money, so he felt as if most people were untrustworthy due to this. It was hard for him to trust people, especially if they knew he was the richest person in their state.

But, his true friends weren't that way. They never learned how rich he was until three years into the friendship, the whole time they thought he was homeless and he slept in their houses for sleepovers. Of course, they were confused on why he didn't tell him, but he explained why, and they didn't judge him. However, they did make him pay for whenever they ordered pizza. He had so much money and barely ever spent it, so it was obvious who was the chosen pizza payer every time they ordered pizza. But, that wasn't often, since Geno liked to cook in the kitchen.

And Geno wasn't just a good cook, he was a great cook!

With the ability to buy expensive ingredients to make his food without even scratching his bank account, along with access to expensive recipes, Geno was able to prepare fabulous dishes for his friends every night.

So, they really liked it when Geno was in the mood for cooking, because it meant delicious food for them while joking around with close friends.

In conclusion, they enjoyed hanging out at Genos house for dinner.

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