i. sam evans' character

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( a rant/explanation )

( a rant/explanation )

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


before i start this, let's just appreciate chord overstreet's face for a second, okay? okay. moving on!

but, to just come out with it, i hate how sam's character got handled in season four of glee. to be completely honest, though, i've always had. . . issues with season four. how sam's character got treated was just one of them. personally, i always felt that they dumbed sam down tremendously, and that just grinds my gears. looking back, it was when the writer's pulled the whole sam/brittany storyline at the very beginning. don't get me wrong, i love sam and i love brittany but not together romantically. i found their heart-to-heart scene in the auditorium endearing and sweet. i really did. i just feel like as soon as sam and brittany get together, though, a lot of sam's character traits get thrown out the window. like he's just there for laughs.

let's take a look at sam evans in season two and three of glee. just to name some of his character traits off of the top
of my head, somethings sam is, is: caring, protective, loyal, resourceful, good humored, reliable, and persistent. obviously, these are just a few, but, hey, it's good enough to get my point across.

so, let's start with the first trait i mentioned: caring. sam obviously has a big heart. this is shown in so many ways, especially in the storyline of his family losing their house. he takes care of his siblings and keeps them entertained and happy. in season three when sam resorts to stripping, it's all because he cares about his family so much.

next, protective. one example that stands out to me is when sam is the one to initiate the smack down of karaofsky in season two when he's harassing kurt. if sam didn't feel the need to protect kurt and defend his friend, he wouldn't have punched karaofsky. this also shows that sam had it in him to be a leader. while finn was always deemed the leader, sam definitely had the potential to be one, too. the whole kurt/karaofsky storyline is a good example in where finn falls short and sam picks up the slack.

loyal and reliable. i'm doing these two together because one of the examples i'm using demonstrates both of these qualities. when finn and rachel track sam down and ask him to come back with them to mckinley, he does it out of loyal to his friends and all of the new directions. it also shows how he's truly reliable. he came through for his friends when they needed him. another example of him being reliable is how he provided for his family, as i stated before, even going as far as stripping because he felt he wasn't doing enough.

he's resourceful in how he "used his assets" in season three to support his family. this one adds in with the two above. sam did what he thought was right when it came to providing for his family. he used his resources. (i.e. his body).

sam is also incredibly good humored. a good example of this is all of the trouty mouth jokes that santana makes, primarily when sam returns in season three. when santana is finished reading her "letter" to sam that really just makes fun of his mouth the whole time, sam simply smiles and hugs santana.

the last trait i'm going to touch on is how persistent sam is, especially when courting a girl he's interested in. samcedes is a prime example of this. during their human nature duet, he flashes mercedes' name in lights behind him as he tells her that they're going to be seeing her name in lights the rest of their lives. and then there's the line he says to mercedes,"i don't care how big and bad your boyfriend is. i'm gonna get you back!" and then, there's sam's promise ring with quinn and his speech to her that i'm too lazy to quote right now.

obviously, at his core in seasons four through six, sam is still all of these things. but, his dialogue was dumbed down tremendously for cheap laughs. yeah, sam's kinda a goof who certainly has his moments of cluelessness and forgetfulness, but in seasons two and three, sam had other qualities, too. i just feel like they got overshadowed in the rest of the show with how. . . stupid some of his dialogue is.

i don't know. maybe this is just a me problem being too high strung when it comes to writing, but i really wanted to address it here incase anyone thinks sam seems out of character for season four headcannons and such. i don't know when i'll get his fic up (i.e. athemyst's book), but this whole rant thing applies to that, too. sam just deserved better, honestly.


( yikes i hope this made sense & wasn't too messy. it's really late here, but i had a lot of thoughts on this topic so i decided to go ahead and write them out. )

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