1 - Chicago

84 4 1

^^ Kelsey's outfit ^-^

3rd person P.O.V

Klaus walked into the warehouse with Stefan , "This doesn't make any sense , how come I don't remember you?"Stefan questioned , "You said it yourself : that time had a lot of dark holes,"Klaus stated , "No , if you knew me , then why haven't you said anything?"Stefan asked , "I'm a little busy right now . Memory Lane will have to wait,"Klaus huffed in annoyance , "What the hell is going on ? Answer me!"Stefan demanded , "Lets just say we didn't get off to a great start . To be honest , I hated you!"Klaus snapped .


Rebekah and Stefan were drinking from a lady whilst Kelsey was watching them , smirking . Stefan see's her necklace , "It's beautiful ,"Stefan stated , "A witch gave it to me . Supposedly its magical . Kelsey got a bracelet ."Rebekah explained , "And is it?"Stefan questioned , "It brought me love and Kelsey a best friend , didn't it?"Rebekah inquired , "It's late Rebekah , Kelsey . We're leaving!"Klaus ordered and tugged on Kelsey and Rebekah's arm , "No!"Kelsey snapped and tugged her arm back as did Rebekah , "Get off me!"Rebekah screeched , Stefan gets up , "Who is this guy?"Stefan asked , "Please don't test him!"Kelsey pleaded , "Stefan , don't ! He'll kill you ! He's a lot stronger than he looks!"Rebekah warned , 

Stefan puts a hand on Kelsey's and Rebekah's shoulder , protectively . "So this is the famous Stefan Salvatore I've been hearing so much about!"Klaus stated , "You're right , he does have funny hair . I'm bored I want to go!"Klaus whined , "Go without us , we're not your girlfriends!"Rebekah exclaimed , "No , you're my sisters , which means ..... you have to do as i say!"Klaus growled . He pulls Kelsey and Rebekah to him .


"Your sisters ! So i knew two other Original vampires?"Stefan questioned , "If you can't handle it , then don't ask!"Klaus snapped , Klaus walked over to two coffins and opened them , there laid Rebekah and Kelsey . " I don't remember them,"Stefan stated , "Don't tell Kelsey that ! Her temper is worse than mine AND Rebekah's!"Klaus demanded , Klaus pulled the daggers out of the female's chest , "Time to wake up , little sisters. Any day now , girls!"Klaus stated , annoyed . They still didn't wake up , "They're being dramatic,"Klaus rolled his eyes , "Look , why don't  you just tell me what the hell's going on ? I mean , you obviously want me here for a reason , right?"Stefan stated , "Well , you do have many useful talents!"Klaus informed , "Do I?"Stefan raised one eyebrow , 

"Infact , I learned some of my favourite tricks from you , "Klaus smirked ,


Rebekah and Stefan are sitting on one side of the table as Kelsey and Klaus are sat on the other side , "So Stefan , enlighten me . What makes you worthy of an Original like my sister? She's pure vampire and you're no more than a diluted bloodline ,"Klaus smirked , Kelsey rolled her eyes , "Don't listen to him , Stefan . Nik's an elitist!"Rebekah stated , "Hmm . Where's the rest of your family?"Stefan questioned , "Well , lets see . Um , I killed most of them,"Klaus informed , Kelsey smirked , "Temporarily,"Kelsey added , "And you two are okay with that?"Stefan asked , gobsmacked . "Well , we all had the chance to choose a side . I chose the right one , eventually . Took Kelsey a little longer but she made it,"Rebekah explained ,  

A man walked over , "Where the hell's my wife?"The man snapped , "I don't know i give up,"Stefan smirked , "Language please,"Kelsey teased the guy , "You think your so tough ? Hiding in your bar ? Drinking your liquor ? A telephone call to Chicago P.D might set you straight,"He threatened , Kelsey giggled , "Ooh,"Klaus laughed , "Lila ! Lila , please . Come here for a second,"Stefan called and a woman walked over , "Oh , thank god! Come on we're leaving,"The man snapped and dragged her away until Stefan stopped them , "Oh , no no no no . You're sitting,"He compelled them , the man sits down next to Klaus and the woman sits next to Stefan , 

Stefan takes her glove off and pulls out a pocket knife , "Stefan ! Don't be mean,"Rebekah laughed , "What the hell are you doing?"The man snapped , scared .  Stefan cuts the womans wrist and puts it into a champagne glass , Kelsey sits up straight , "You're meaner than Nik ! That's exactly why your my friend!"Kelsey smirked , "Thank you so much , Lila . Why don't you go and bandage that up ?"Stefan compelled and she walked away , "I'd like you to join me for a drink,"He pushes the cup towards the guy , "What kind of sick freaks are you?"The man yelled , "I said drink!"Stefan demanded . He takes a sip and starts coughing , "I didn't catch your name,"Stefan told him , "Go to Hell!"He hissed , "Been there . it's nice!"Kelsey stated sarcastically , Klaus laughs . "Do you want another sip?"Stefan threatened , "Liam . Liam Grant,"He stated finally , 

"Liam Grant ! Have another sip , Liam!"Stefan ordered , Klaus clinked his glass with Liam's , "Finish it!"Stefan snapped , Liam finishes it in one big gulp.


Klaus is walking towards the exit , "I was your number one fan,"Klaus stated , "Why should I believe any of this?"Stefan questioned , Klaus stops in front of the guard and looks into his eyes , "When they wake up , tell them to meet us at Gloria's bar . Then volunteer you carotid artery and let them feed until you die,"Klaus compelled , Klaus started walking away , "Where are you going?"Stefan asked , "You think I'm lying , Stefan . You and I knew each other . You trusted me with one of your secrets and now I'm going to prove it to you,"Klaus stated , "How?"Stefan questioned , "We're going to your old apartment,"Klaus answered .

Klaus and Stefan arrived at the door . Klaus saw that it was unlocked an kicked it open and walked in , "What a charming little homestead . Do you feel that ? Is anybody here?"Klaus questioned , "It's been vacant for decades . People must break in all the time . Why'd you bring me here?"Stefan questioned , "Your friend , Liam Grant , the one who drank his wife's blood....I could never figure out why you wanted his name . And then you told me your little secret . It was all part of a special little ritual,"Klaus smirked , "To write it down,"Stefan realised , "And relive the kill.... over and over again,"Klaus finished , Klaus walked over to the bar shelf and pushed it open and revealed a hidden room , "You believe me now?"Klaus asked , Stefan enters the room and looks to his right , only to find Elena . "Look what I found,"Stefan stated , Elena looked at him with fear , 

Stefan took out a bottle and gave it to Klaus , "1918 Single Malt,"Stefan stated , "My favourite . Lets go and find someone to pair it with!"Klaus smirked and walked out with Stefan behind him . Klaus and Stefan arrived at the bar and Gloria looked at them , "Where's Rebekah and Kelsey?"Gloria questioned , "They'll be here . I can't just conjure them on demand!"Klaus snapped and looked at Stefan , "What's with you ? I thought Chicago was your playground,"Klaus questioned , 

"So this is why you asked me to be your wingman? Because you liked the way i tortured innocent people?"Stefan asked , "Well that's certainly half of it,"Klaus stated , "What's the other half?"Stefan questioned , "The other half , Stefan , is that you used to want to be my wingman!"Klaus smirked


"They're jealous . Your family wants you dead because they could never be what you are,"Stefan stated , "What? An abomination?"Klaus questioned , "No . A king,"Stefan informed , Klaus smiled and Stefan laughed , "Look at us . Two sad Orphans,"Klaus stated , they look over and see Rebekah staring at Stefan and Kelsey was eating a man , "Rebekah fancies you , you know,"Klaus told Stefan , "Mmm,"Stefan nodded , "But....I should warn you . Rebekah doesn't do anything half-speed , and that includes falling in love . So just be careful . She's totally mad,"Klaus told him , "I appreciate the advice ,"Stefan thanked , Kelsey smirked at Klaus' comment , 

"And when the point comes where she inevitably leaves you ..... She can't help it . it's just who she is. Don't let me your heart do anything stupid!"Klaus advised , "You know what ? You're a good friend Nik ! I'm glad I met you,"Stefan praised  .


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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