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Nina-pie. Oh Darling, I hope you get better soon. The world has thrown so many curveballs at you and I guess it all got too much. No matter what life has used to knock you down you got up. You are so good in putting all your problems aside and giving your undivided attention to someone that is struggling. You deserve the love that you give everyone else Nina. One day I know someone will come along and offer you an entire galaxy when you only expected a single planet. You have taught me so many things in life. You have taught me to be selfless, to love fearlessly, to believe in everything, you taught me that I don't need a man to make me special. It's going to be a long walk to recovery but I promise that I will be there for every single curveball, laugh, milestone and tear. And to all the haters out there that contributed to this accident that teared my best friends life apart, I hope that you struggle to sleep at night. Does it give you satisfaction to see this beautiful girl broken? I hope that you realize that by calling her a 'slut', a 'whore', an 'anorexic chick'
And a 'attention whore' you have broken her. Karma is a bad bitch haters, I hope she comes for you. And to the person that I will not name, was there a smile on your face when she called you crying? Or was it guilt and pain that smeared your handsome mouth? Were you satisfied knowing that you broke the unbreakable girl? Did it stroke your ego to know you had so much power over someone else? Or did it sicken you to the core? I guess there's no way to know, because it turns out I never really knew you at all. But I just promise you, you'll look for her in other people and you won't find her. You will regret letting her go.


And so we have reached the end. 100 chapters and 16k reads. I couldn't be happier. Thank you for taking the time to read this cringy af story. I appreciate every comment, vote and suggestion. I love you all so much and I hope that you know how absolutely beautiful you guys are.

I kind of want to do a second book, but I want your opinions. Please comment below.

With love, Always
Marchella Edwards

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