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I woke up with a severe headache and my stomach grumbled really hard. I felt really tired and exusted and my body had began to shake. The blinds where opened and the sun shone  directly in my room penetrating right into my eyes. I didnt know how long I had been sleeping as it looked like it was almost noon.

I stood up from the bed which was still well laid like I had not even slept on it. Perhaps, the heaviness I felt in my heart didn't let me move from the spot where I slept. I made for the kitchen as I needed food to fuel my shaking body.

On getting to the kitchen, I overheard my mother  talking with my grandma. 

"My mind is made up mum. I can't continue living here." My mother spoke, mopping the floor.

"How would you take such a decision without thinking of the outcome" She replied my mother who didn't seem like she was listening.

"Mum, am not changing my mind on this. Her voice showed no emotion  and it sounded very definite.

I didn't understand what the conversation was about. But it looked like my mother had plans to leave.

"What about the boy."

"What about him? "

"You want him to leave the life he has known... his school, his friends, everything."

"So what?"

"What do you mean so what.  That boy is not even use to the  kind of life you planning on introducing him to.
Why are u being so cruel for Christ sake?

"No one gave me time to be use to what has happened now mum. Am equally having a hard time."

"So the little boy should suffer for things that has gone wrong in your life. " Grandma spoke angrily, and my heart was now beginning to pound. I hoped we where really not leaving. But to where? It sure didn't sound like a good place as grandma didn't even think it was good for me. 

"Dont you dare judge me mum. You left dad as well for a white man. What right do you have to judge me." My mother spoke with glaring eyes. Those words most have cut deep. Because my grandmothers next words where shaky. She stood up this time as if to drive her point.

"I left your dad because we weren't compatible. I left your dad for a man who was willing to give you everything. A man who loved you unconditionally even after you got pregnant and dropped out of college."

I had never seen her so emotional as she continued in driving home her point.

"You are just like your father; a pig that doesn't know the value of gold."
I could tell she was fighting her tears.

There was this sudden odd silence in the room that drag almost a minute.

"The mistake has already been made mum. I never belonged here anyways." My mother finally spoke. Her expression was vague. But I could tell she was in a lot of distress.

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