Skipping Class Part 3

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"Wake up Jimin come have some breakfast " Jimins mom yelled "Okay mom coming" Jimin yelled. Then he got ready and got his backpack and started to walk downstairs "Mom am not going to eat." Why?" she said in a worried voice. "Cause am gonna suprise my friend Suga today." "Oh........But i need to meet him one day okay" "Okay mom bye" he said ran kissed his moms cheek and shut the door behind him.

10 minutes later

Knock knock Suga opened the door he was suprised "H-HeyJimin what are you doing here?" "I wanted to suprise you" Jimin said with a smile "You did suprise me but lets go to school before were late okay" Suga said. "Okay" They started walking "So um...........Suga  I was wondering why dont we skip school just for today and hang out just you and me?" Jimin said Suga stopped walking. "Are you sure? I mean i would like to." "Am sure." Jimin said happly. "Okay so where do you want go hang out." Suga asked. "I dont know you choose okay." "Okay fine lets go to the movies and watch truth or dare?" Suga said. "Um.......Okay" They went  and bought the tickets but Jimin is kinda scared when he sees scary movies

It started and then Jimin screamed and cuddled with Suga "Your scared?"Suga Said nervous  "Um.....A little" "Lets leave then and go get ice cream and then go to the park?" "But we payed already" "Its fine okay aslong as we go and have fun" Suga said "Okay" Jimin said  They headed out and got ice cream. "What type of ice cream do you want Jimin?" "Am going with vanilla." "Okay Sir can i please have 2 vanilla ice creams." Sure Here you go" The man said "Thank you" Suga said "Your welcome" The man said .

They started walkign to the park "Well Jimin why did you want to hang out with me?" Suga asked "Cause your important to me  and i wanted to spend time with the person that means a lot to me." Jimin said honestly "Oh........ okay" Suga said "I need to tell you something tommorow okay" Jimin said "Okay" "Suga now that were friends tell me why do you always scream when you sleep?" Jimin said "How do you know" Suga said "I know cause one day......


Jimin was walking to go take Suga for a walk but before he knocked on the door he heard a scream it came from sugas window so he loooked through it and it was a bit open and then he heard Suga scream "NOOO PLEASE NOT AGAIN MOTHER HELP ME HES DOING IT AGAIN!!!" Jimin got scared and went back home he grabbed his phone and was gonna call Suga but he didnt he didnt want Suga to feel like he was stocking him or something so he never talked about it to him but now he is......


"Thats how i know what happens to you but tell me why it happens please i wont tell no one" Jimin said "Okay " Suga said "Thanks for trusting me" Jimin said with a smile Suga smiled back  "Well it all started when i was 6 my father had died and then 2 years later my mom re-merriad and every night that man would..........He would rape me and i wouldnt know what to do it always happened till one day i told my mom she didnt care she believed him more then me her son so one day i screamed for  her help (Suga started crying)  but what did she do not say anything not even stop him so  4 years later i figured out she would get aboused by him he would hurt her but my mother didnt do anything so one day i left my house and never came back so now every now and then i would have the same dream." Suga said "Look anytime you need a friend to talk to am here for you"Jimin said  "you know i actually never hade someone care for me that much Jimin thanks it means a lot to me" Suga said "Its okay i care because i love you........ and not in i love you in a friend way i love you more then that Suga Since the day you defended me i never told you cause i didnt want our friend ship to end and i was gonna tell you tommorow but ill rather say it now and its fine if you dont feel the same way towards me ill accept that" Jimin said, "Jimin I-I love you too" "Am so happy right now tommorow ill pick you up and i want you to come with me to the park okay" "Okay well its 5:30 we better go home Jimin" But then Jimin.......

Okay I hope yall enjoy it thanks for reading it ❤🙏

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