Competition (Conor x reader)

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8:00 am

Conor: Y/N

8:17 am

Conor: Y/N!

9:03 am

Conor: Y/N!!!

You: What?? You outta know I never get up before 12:00. Only because my phone going off woke me up.

Conor: Sorry, my bad. Anyways, you up for going to the fair this afternoon?

You: Ahh, Joe has already asked me.

Conor: Of course he did. When?

You: Yesterday...

Conor: Nevermind then. Sorry for waking you up

You: I mean, I'm sure Joe wouldn't mind if you tagged along. We're just going as friends. It isn't like a date or anything.

Conor: Sure, but I wanted to ask you first.

You: It isn't a competition, Conor.

Conor: If It were a competition, I'd be losing, huh?

You: You poor thing😂 No, you'd be winning. After the fair, wanna grab something to eat? Just the two of us?

Conor: That'd be great.

You: Good. As long as you never text me at 8 o'clock in the morning again. I'm never awake.

Conor: It's a deal.

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