Chapter 1

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"Code name Insomnia. . . Insomnia answer!"

After a couple of seconds a reply came, "I'm in position.  And, seriously? Can't I have a different code name?"

"Just be happy we're letting you play solo! Now, back to the mission! I'm here to tell you every one else is ready. "

The boy set his phone down on the damp grass and drew a gun from his holster. "Send team SIM to survey the outside of the main building." Karma began to recite the plan to Ritsu over the phone, "Once the coast is clear, send team TRIPLE KILL to... kill the power and survelence." He couldn't help but laugh at his own pun. "Oh, and have SNIPE watch over them."

Karma stayed hidden behind a bush, watching over the front entrance. It took a couple of minutes, but after awhile he heard Ritsu over the phone again.

"Power's out. SNIPE  will keep an eye on the entrance. Head in when you're ready!" The AI cheered over the phone. "Be extra careful Insomnia..." her tone turned serious at the end.

Karma cocked and aimed his gun, pulling the trigger a total of 4 times. The guards at the entrance fell. The boy stood up and pulled his hood off. Most of his hidden classmates face palmed, while others stood there in awe as Karma, flamboyant red hair and all, began sauntering towards the door. The dark of midnight and the distance of the large court yard did nothing to hide his hair.

When the red-head got to the door he could clearly see 2 bullet holes almost centered on each guard's forehead. "Oops. I was off by about an inch. Better luck next time!" Karma mumbled to himself while inspecting the door. He pushed through, gun at the ready.

The lobby was surprisingly empty. Granted it was midnight on a Saturday, but still. You'd think they would have more than seven guys. Easy as cherry pie. Mm, cherry pie.

Karma pulled out his phone and dialed Ristu. Right about now he was extremely glad that he snatched his phone up before leaving.

"Infiltration was successful. Lobby's cleared," Karma started speaking as soon as he heard the AI pick up, not giving her a chance to complain about how reckless what he did was. "Send SIM to get the kids out. Oh, and send me the directions to the lab. I'd like to check for anyone up there."

"Yes sir! The directions should be uploading onto your phone now! You know you-" After hearing what he wanted, Karma hung up. He found the directions Ritsu sent him and began navigating the winding halls...

and what seemed like an hour, countless turns, twenty never ending hallways, five dead-ends, and a very anticlimactic elevator ride to the top floor later Karma arrived at the lab sector of the building.

He had one word to describe it. Hospital. The lab area was basically a (another...) long hallway with numbered doors running down each side. It had eggshell doors and whitewashed walls and that horrible smell of bleach all around. Karma hated it.

All of the rooms appeared empty and all of the doors were open. Except for the one at the end. Naturally that is the one Karma goes straight to. What a genius.

Karma cautiously opened the door. His eyes passed over the room. Its empty. Why is it closed if its empty? Before he could walk out of the room his eyes landed on something in a corner. Another set of eyes. Eyes glazed in beauty and triple dipped in malicious intentions. Eyes that hoped for salvation, yet strived for murder. Eyes that... actually looked kinda familiar now that he thinks about it.

The figure walked towards Karma, who has lowered his weapon in awe at who was in front of him.


And that was his last words before a knife flew at him.

~~(3 days earlier)~~

A boy, dressed up in a local school uniform, walked down the street alone with his hands in his pockets. Many people started at him as he went by. Not because he was wearing a maniacal smile despite him basically fuming,  but because he had noticeable red hair that drew everyone's attention.

"That jerk. I can't believe he abandoned me! And why? All to avoid E class?" The kid spoke aloud to himself at a surprisingly calm volume, though his words dripped with poison.

730 words
I hoped I could squeeze more in but I think this is good for now, yeah? It's probably really confusing but I hope to clear that up next chapter. That should come out... next couple of days? Though this was supposed to be out like 3 days ago, so...

Anyway... if you have something to say, say it! I can take criticism so don't sugar coat it! Please correct me! Thanks for reading!!

Code Name: Little Snake (Karmagisa)Where stories live. Discover now