I Promised it so here: Chapter 2

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Karma slammed open the door of his classroom, scaring most of his classmates. He wasn't really in a great mood today and he tends to take that out on other people, but you know that. Unsurprisingly, the commotion Karma caused drew in the attention of his teacher.

"Now now, Mr. Akabane. Do you really need to be that violent so early in the day? At least save it for the upcoming mission."

Now this sparked Karma's attention. Ever since school started a couple of months back, the only reason he's even bothered to come to class regularly is because of things like that. Apparently, the principle of the school district was involved in some pretty shady stuff. Extremely shady stuff. Whatever it was was bad enough for him to have to choose between either government mandated "community work" or life in prison. Seems he went with the community work.

"New mission? 'Bout time. Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" Karma stepped into the room, taking a seat at the back, as per usual. His eyes held a humored glint as he awaited any sort of information about this supposed mission.

"Maybe if you got here on time you would know about it," A voice called from somewhere across the classroom. Karma wasn't paying enough attention to the background noise of the other students to know or care who bothered trying to taunt him. Instead he focused on his current teacher whom they had named Koro~Sensei. He didn't particularly care what these extras thought of him. The only person he did care about wasn't here anymore, anyway.

"Now, now, settle down over there. There is no need to ridicule other classmates. That being said, Mr. Akabane, if you don't start getting to class on time, you will have to face some serious consequences," an unsettling smile made its way onto the teacher's face. "And we don't want that do we?" Now Karma has seen a lot of stuff in his days, but Koro~Sensei's smile was probably the only thing that truly worried him. Any time he gave that look, it was almost as if a huge yellow tentacled creature loomed behind him. That look could scare even the most stone cold assassin.

In a sneaky attempt to avoid confrontation with his teacher, Karma smoothly shifted the conversation, "All I need is a reason to come and I have that now so... about that assignment."

Koro~sensei began to explain the details that Karma had missed so far. Essentially, they had been assigned a large scale rescue mission because some small scale gang or another had kidnapped some junior high kids. It didn't sound difficult at all, just basic infiltration which, of course, meant that there would be guards to kill. Now Karma was really excited. Among the many thoughts that now passed through the red- head's mind, one sick out to him in particular.

"When do we start?"

Yeah, that was sort. I'll get back into the swing of things soon enough to write longer chapters and all. Any and ALL forms of feedback are appreciated.
With love ~Phyre

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