Corbin's Misadventure

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Round 2: Dust an Elysian Tail (Again)


The young rabbit boy knew leaving the village was dangerous. With all the monsters around recently, he knew one could easily kill him. But maybe, just maybe if he did this Mr. Gianni would be less mean to everyone. Plus, he could have some fun along the way!

And so, Corbin dutifully set out to Ivydale Glen with the pompous man's laundry. He arrived rather quickly, easily avoiding the many explosive Blombs, and made it to the stream.

He set about washing the fancy clothing items, one after another. After finishing, he placed them each back into the basket so he could dry them later.

His azure gaze travelled along the forest's edge and around, checking for anything in the nearby area. Witnessing nothing suspect, his mouth split into a wide grin as he began to splash in the stream with his bare feet. He let out repeated peals of joyful laughter, enjoying the cool water.

Suddenly, the rustling of a bush caused Corbin to halt, turning his head curiously before stiffening. From the thick forest a green Slime Creature was approaching slowly.

The boy stepped away, fear flooding him as the Creature sped up in its approach. He turned, sprinting and grabbing the laundry basket as he headed for the glens exit.

As Corbin ran, he heard the sound of the Slime Creature sliding along behind him and took a moment to peer over his shoulder at it. It barely didn't catch him, moving almost as fast as he could.

He faced back forward, just in time to try and stop from crashing into the orange body of a Blomb. He managed to take a single step away before the Blomb exploded, sending him flying backwards into a tree and losing his grip on the basket. Corbin slid down the tree, stunned, and could only listen as he heard the nearby Blombs explode down their chain.

His vision spun, but Corbin could see the green mass of slime and eyes continue after him relentlessly. He used the tree as support to stand, stumbling over the roots as his body was consumed with blasts of searing pain.

He almost tripped over the basket, and grabbed it while continuing to run. Corbin sprinted under a rock outcropping, in time to be struck in the shoulder by one of the creature's slime spikes.

The boy cried out, being knocked forward and again dropping the basket. It flew down into a steep pit that he nearly tumbled down as well.

He turned, barely able to kick away another spike that had aimed for his chest. He scrambled away, almost standing when another spike hit him straight in the back.

A scream was heard, echoing on the glens walls as Corbin panicked and repeatedly struck out at the monster with his bare feet.

He managed to kick hard enough to send the Slime over the edge, but it snatched his leg and began to drag the writhing Warmblood down into the abyss as well.


Oof, not feeling very good about this one,  but oh well. Made a mistake asking my mom to read over it for me, dropped my confidence like a rock into the middle of the ocean. I'm going to put a third chapter with pictures of the characters and monsters used so nobody has to google.

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