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I had a worried look on my face as Christina took me to David.

"What's wrong?" David asked noticing my facial expression.

"What? Uh nothing..." I said trying to look for Zach.

"Zach is here and he is trying to talk to her" Christina told him.

"What?!? Why is he here? I told you not to invite him!!" David yelled at me and grabbed my arm tightly.

"I told you I was gonna invite him" I said while trying to get out of his grasp but he just held on tightly.

He does this sometimes, nobody knows but he gets really angry and hits me sometimes. I look at Christina scared.

"Let go of her" she said to David.

"Why should I? She's my wife now I can do whatever I want to do to her" he replied to her still holding on to my arm tightly.

I had finally escaped his grasp and saw my arm was purple. Christina saw my arm and gasped pulling me away from him. Once she pulled me away he grabbed onto my arm as I winced in pain trying to pull away.

"Let go of her!!" Christina yelled now getting upset with David.

Next thing I knew I was pushed by David and grabbed by Christina. I saw Zach fighting David.

"Don't you EVER lay a finger on her ever again" Zach yelled.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want Herron. She's mine now!" David yelled back at Zach.

By now everyone had gathered around the four of us. The boys were watching Zach making sure he didn't end up killing David.

Christina and Corbyn had took me to the restroom to make sure I was okay.

"What the heck was that?!" Corbyn asked.

"David hits me sometimes..." I mumbled.

"What?!? Why do you stay with him?!? Why are you marrying him!" Christina asked.

"Because he loves me! I know he does! He needs me in his life I keep him sane! It's basically my job! I'd rather him hurt me then anyone else" I yell back at them.

"Amelia it's not your job to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else. He shouldn't be laying a finger on you. Now I can't tell you what to do but I don't think he is the right guy for you." Christina said.

"Amelia you deserve a guy who loves you more than anything, treats you like a princess, and will do anything just to see you smile" Corbyn said.

"I know...but I just married him what am I supposed to do just get a di-" I said before being cut off my Zach walking inside the restroom.

"Amelia are you okay?!?" Zach asked coming up to me giving me a hug.

I felt safe in his arms, like nothing would ever hurt me again. I missed him in my life but I don't think I could ever have him again.

I pulled away from the hug and noticed that Corbyn and Christina had left the bathroom.

"Amelia can I ask you a question?" Zach said as we both sat down.

"Sure what's up" I reply

"Why do you stay with him? I mean he hurt you here, at your wedding. I can't imagine what he does when nobody else is there. You deserve so much more then that." He asked.

"I don't want him to hurt anyone else... when I met him he wasn't like this. He was nice, but as I got to know him he began to hit me and tell me I'm stupid. I don't know why I married him, I just knew he would be mad if I said no and I would let everyone down. Everyone came here to watch me, if I said no everyone would get upset." I said while looking down not wanting to make eye contact with Zach.

"Amelia, for once in your life you need to do something for you and not for others. Please do not stay with him if this is gonna continue." He said getting up and hugging me.

"Thank you Zach" I said in the hug. "I missed you so much" I mumbled into his chest.

"I missed you too" he said.

Word count: 708

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