The Cottage

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Before I start I want to say this is based on a true story but things have been added. This story is mine about my cottage. I claim ownership to this story and copying of my story is unlawful.

PREFACE: I have always heard stories about this little summer cottage being haunted. But it wasn't until that stormy night I stayed there alone that I realized all of the creepy stories I heard must have been true.

CHAPTER 1. The storm

It was storming really bad that night. As I look back and remember that night I new something was off from the start. It was midnight I was pulling onto the road that the cottage was on. I had just past the private beach at the beginning of the street where it is usually peaceful and inviting. But not that night.

The peer that i used to go crabbing from had waves crashing into it. The near by boats that had been docked were rocking from the waves. The wind was wicked it was howling as if it were angry. Rain was coming down heavy. The thunder and lightning was even worse. With each crack of thunder u felt like it was right beside u it was so loud. The lightning lit up the sky in angry bolts of light.

As I got even closer approaching the cottage I noticed the trees swaying as if they were in a fight with the wind. There was not a single soul out side in this crazy storm but me. I could see candles lit in neighboring cottages. Great I thought the electric must be out.

I quickly pull into the yard right up close to the back steps. Leaving my headlights on so I could see to unlock the back door. I finally get the door unlocked after the sixth time trying. I throw my purse on the table and go back out to get my luggage from my car.

By the time I am finished bringing everything in and close and lock the door I am soaked. My clothes were sticking to me my hair was clinging to my neck and I was freezing cold. It was July in Delaware and here I am freezing cold.

I didn't remember it being so cold while I was out side but I wasn't really giving it much thought at the time. So I used my phone to see in the dark and found a towel from the bathroom. I quickly wrapped the towel around my chest while I continued to look for candles and a lighter.

I had found a few candles and lit them. I put one on the kitchen table and one in the back bedroom. Then started to carry my luggage into the back bedroom. I heard the scary stories about that room but paid it know attention. Nothing has ever bothered me here before so I wasn't worried.

Our cottage was a four bedroom beach house in a very nice community with a private beach. And conveniently about 20 minutes from the boardwalk. My mother bought it from my grandmother before she past. Its been in our family for about 35 years. Every summer my siblings and cousins aunts and uncles take turns using it for vacation.

Ever since I can remember as a small child there has been stories being told about the cottage being haunted. Stories about my cousins Donna and Kristy seeing glowing red eyes up stairs one night as kids. Or people saying they felt pushed down the stairs. Stories of a man named Henry haunting the cottage where told by my cousin Vickie. My grandma, aunt Jenny, aunt Shonie and aunt Linda only liked to stay in the front bedroom while staying there. My mom and aunt Tina never had a problem staying in the back bedroom.

I always thought it was because the sun shine came through the front bedroom windows in the morning and it was so beautiful that they preferred staying in that room. It wasn't until a few years ago that I found out the real reasoning behind them not preferring that back bedroom.

CHAPTER 2 My aunt Jenny's story

If u new my aunt u would know she is an amazing story teller. But also a very honest, fun, loving and educated christian woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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