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I’d never ventured further than Doncaster. My dream was to travel the world. I guess I got more than that. I’m Louis Tomlinson, and this, is my story.

It started out like any other day in Doncaster. I was getting ready for football practice with my best friend Liam; we’d met in our usual spot and walked to the collage. Neither of us expected the day to be different. After all, it was a Saturday morning, the temperature was around 22 degrees Celsius and Liam and I were talking about our usual topic: Football. “So, Liam, did you watch the Brazil versus Germany?” I’d asked as we slung out bags into the lockers “are you kidding Louis? Of course I watched it!” Liam laughed, slipping his shirt off his head, now I’d be lying if I said I’d never fancied Liam, yes I’m gay, and he is too. We tried dating but it felt far too weird for us and came to a mutual agreement of friends, besides, he has his eyes on the new Irish blondie, Niall I think his name is “what did you think of the score?” I asked whilst tying up my boots “7-1 to Germany? Brazil weren’t at the top of their game Lou. With two of their best players off as well” Liam sighed as he slipped on his boots “yeah, I gotta agree with you, if those players were on the pitch then maybe they would have had a better chance” I nodded, standing up “yeah I-” Liam stopped before finishing “you what Li?” I asked, looking in the direction he was “it’s Niall” Liam whispered, seemingly breathless making me laugh “well come on! Let’s show him what you got!” I joked, gently slapping him on the back before jogging out onto the pitch, Liam close behind.

Once on the pitch, something caught my eye. A large, blue, box. A large, blue, police box “hey Li, look” I called to him, pointing at it “that’s weird” he muttered. Right at that moment, a boy walked out. He couldn’t have been much younger than me. But damn, he was good looking. He glanced over before sprinting away in the direction of Doncaster Town Centre. Who was he? More importantly, why was he in the police box?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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