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Where should I begin? I guess is how I came about. Hi, my name is Rosie. I moved to New York to start new or a do-over. But now I go to Smithtown high school. Today my first day and I have no idea what will happen. I mean I just hope I meet a new friend I think that be nice. So the school huge just got here and I never thought it was this massive. But there many new faces and it's crazy. The front office is so far, but now I have a locker 142. I have English first-class room 109 great way to start my morning. Ugh, I'm late plus I have no clue where I am. So I guess I look for a teacher but instead, I find this guy. He looks kinda edge with a black hoodie and ripped up jeans. So, of course, I need to get to class somehow mso here goes nothing. Hi, I'm Rosie can you help me find English room 109. Sure, I can show you if you would like name Jack by the way. Well nice to meet you Jack and think you for helping me it helps my day go easier. No problem here you are and guess I will see you around. Yeah, I walk in class now and of course, I get shy the teacher tells me nice to see you sit right there. Now I'm next to a whole group that I don't know (great). But in every class there that over positive person her name Jasmine. I can't stand her voice but she kinda nice she tells me she take me to my next class like okay. The bell finally rings and now to algebra two. So I am now off to class which is down the hall on the right of me. As soon as I walk in I see a surprise to my eye. I won't believe this he is here. But got to play it cool so I slowly walk in and our eyes meet I go sit in the back. He goes right next to me and says long time no see. ( I don't understand why would he talk to me.)

Hey guys plz tell me some feed back or how you thing the two charters are gonna react. Any word would be nice thank you plz keep reading.

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