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"It's about time we go out to eat. I don't think I could take anymore of Niall's cooking." Harry said with a laugh. His dimples deepening as he smiled.

The five of us sat around a square table in a small barista like restaurant over in Soho.

Zayn introduced me to this place the first time I came to visit him and Jordan.

At first, I was reluctant to bring him, because of the possibility it may stir up some emotions.

But I was just happy the poor fellow wanted to get out the room. Also, I don't know many restaurants in town.

A tall blonde woman came to our table with a tray filled with plates of food. Once each of us had our order, she nodded her head and left us to our entrees.

"Hey! No one said you had to eat it, Styles." Niall playfully shrugged as he stuffed a piece of chicken in his mouth.

Our laughter filled the air around us mixed with the sounds of our utensils clanked against the plates.

"Uhh," Zayn cleared his throat.

" I just wanted to say, again, thanks. Seriously, I don't think I would've made it through all of this if it wasn't for you guys." Zayn gently smiled at all of us.

"Anytime Zayn." Louis smiled as he raised his glass before taking a sip. Harry and Niall's head nodded in agreement.

I reached over and gently grabbed Zayn's shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. Zayn flashed back a smile before returning to his food.

"Louis, what is that you ordered, anyways?' I questioned looking at his plate.

"Chicken in chili." He smiled. "Want some?" Louis offered.

"Pass." I held a hand up, Louis shrugged his shoulders and continued eating.

Hours flew by as we just sat there and talked. I honestly cannot remember the last time all of us talked like this. It literally felt like a lifetime.

"Liam can you pass me the ketchup?" Niall asked as he worked on his second plate of food.

In the midst of me reaching, I wound up dropping my fork.

"Nice one Payne," Harry joked. I saw Zayn smile and shake his head, taking another bite of what looked like to be the same Louis ordered.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I mumbled.

I got up from the chair and bent down to retrieve my fallen utensil.

Fork in hand, I went to push myself off the floor when my eyes caught glimpse of a figure that sat just a few tables down.

Half of their face was blocked by the person that sat across from them, but my eyes managed to catch their green ones.

Where have I seen those eyes before...?

Within a few seconds that person in front shifted, making me able to get a clear view of their face.


My mouth began to slowly drop as my memory began to form.

Mouth still agape, my mind managed to recall that the green eyed girl I saw sitting a few feet from me was the same girl I saw practically breaking into Zayn and Jordan's apartment a couple weeks ago.

Her eyes slightly widened as she noticed my face.

The person in front of her rose from their seat and headed out to the door.

My jaw clenched my mouth shut as I saw her face slightly turn as her eyes blinked away from my gaze.

She quickly reached into her purse and pulled out cash, before she followed her friend out the door.

Who the hell is this girl?

Why is she showing up at the most randomest times?

My racing mind came to a stop as a Irish accent broke through my ears.

"Having issues down their Payno?" Niall asked.

I looked back at the lads, nothing but concern and worry masked their faces.

I shook my head as tried to gain my bearings as I pushed off the floor.

"All good."

I looked over to the table the woman was sitting at and noticed a waitress heading over there to clean table.

"Uh...I'm going to go ask the waitress for a new fork. Be back."

My eyes quickly scanned the table on my way over. I was able to see from the rim of the wine glass the unknown friend was a female.

"Can I help you?"

The waitress asked me as I approached the table. Brown hair covered her face, head tilted up towards me. Her body was still bent over from wiping the table.

"Uh yeah, I was wondering if you can get me a new fork, I kind of dropped mines," I softly smiled.

"Sure, I'll be over there with a new one soon." She smiled back.

"Uh, one more thing."

Her eyes slightly peeked awaiting for my question. She pulled out a rag from her back pocket she used to dry her hands.

"Do you know who was sitting here? One of the guests looked familiar, and it'd sucked if I missed encountering an old friend. I was wondering if you'd happened to catch her name." I shrugged my shoulder.

"Uh, yeah strangely enough I did. Before her friend arrived, we chatted a bit whenever I came over. I believe she said her name was Olivia, but I didn't get the last name."

She replied as she placed the plates and glasses in a gray plastic bin, finishing her clearing of the table.

Olivia? I thought her name was Melanie.

"Ar-. Sorry, are you sure the name was Olivia?"

My voice was a bit shaky with confusion.

"Well, that's what she told me," she started.

"Oh," I said softly.

"Yeah. Poor thing. She looked stressed when she came in."

She said cradling the gray bin under her arm, resting on her right hip.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, in the midst of the short conversations we had, she told me she just got a new job. Being that it is at a law firm I thought that explains it." She smiled.

Could it be Zayn's law firm?

No it can't be...

But maybe...

"Sounds like your friend?"

Her voice surprised me, her brown eyes looking up to me.

"Uh, no. But she was a dead ringer for her. Thanks." I softly patted her arm.

"No problem, and I'll be over their soon with your fork, sweetheart." I smiled lightly as I walked back over to the lads.

"That was a long time for a new fork," Zayn said as I sat back down.

"Yeah, maybe he was working on doing another type of forking with the waitress. I mean, it is way overdue." Harry joked followed by Niall's hearty laugh.

I sheepishly smiled as my head bowed a bit. Mind trying to piece together the weird events that has happened involving this girl.

"You okay, man?" Zayn nudged my arm. Perking my head up a bit.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm great." I replied, my insides not so sure about my reply.

Zayn nodded his head as he tuned into the conversation the boys were having.
Copyright © 2014 Drunkziam
All Rights Reserved

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