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(Scarlett's Outfit)

  I walked into algebra, I hadn't talked to Aiden since I left the mall on Saturday

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I walked into algebra, I hadn't talked to Aiden since I left the mall on Saturday. He was being weird that whole day, I wondered what was up with him. Aiden was already in his seat, he's usually there before me. "What's up?" I greeted him. "Hey." he said, looking up at me and smiling. "So, you had a good time with my friends Saturday, huh?" he asked. "Yeah, tons of fun. Thanks for making me go." I said. "I'm glad you had fun, but I need to talk to you." he said. "About wha-" I was cut off by Ms.Gretzky walking in and beginning the class. Aiden leaned over and whispered "I'll tell you at lunch." The rest of the period I was uneasy, I couldn't stop thinking about what he was gonna tell me. Was he gonna say he didn't want me around his friends anymore? Did I do something wrong? Did they think I was rude? When the bell rang at the end of the period, we stood up to leave. "Do you think we could talk now?" I asked. "I'd rather wait 'til lunch, it's a long thing." he said. "Come on, we have the entire time you're walking me to class." I whined. "Not enough, I'd rather just wait." he said. He left me at my second period, hugging me before he left, as always. My anxiety built up more and more as the next periods passed, the fact that I had to wait until lunch was excruciating. So when the bell rang, I was out the door.

  I met Aiden in the courtyard out front, it sort  became our thing. I sat in the grass, anxiously awaiting him. I saw him walk out the front doors, my heart rate increased. He sat down in front of me, plopping his bag on the grass. "So, what did you wanna talk to me about?" I said. "Damn, I don't even get a hello?" he laughed. "Hi. For real though, I'm anxious. What did you wanna say?" I asked. He sighed. "Look, I saw you and Alex yesterday, the way he was talking to you." he began. "...And?" I asked. "And, he's kind of a player, and he's older, he's a senior." he continued. "That's only 2 years older than us, what's the problem?" I was failing to understand why there was an issue. "I don't want you getting hurt, and that's all he seems to do to girls. I care about you, so I'm warning you." he said. "If he's such a dick then why are you friends with him?" I asked. "Well he's a cool friend, usually he doesn't go near girls in our group of friends, but you're new. All of us have been friends since 6th grade, we couldn't be attracted to each other if we tried. But he doesn't see you as a 6th grader, like he does with everyone else." he explained. I got what he was saying, but I didn't even think anything was going to happen with Alex and I anyways. I've never had a boyfriend, I just made friends for the first time, I figured a relationship was years away. "Noted." was all I said.

  After talking, things went back to normal. The tension I was feeling was gone. I noticed Aiden's eyes closing slightly, he let out a big yawn. "You tired?" I asked, yawning also. "Yeah, I barely slept last night." he said. "Me too, but I barely sleep every night. My body hasn't adjusted to sleeping in a new house yet, so I wake up every hour." I said. "I can't wait to go home and nap. Do you wanna come with me?" he asked. "Go to your house?" I said nervously. "Yeah, to nap." he said. "I don't know, I'm not good at meeting parents." I said. "You wouldn't have to, my dad's on a business trip right now. I'm all alone." he explained. I smiled, "In that case, yeah." I texted my mom saying I was staying after school to finish a group project in the library, she had gotten used to me never being home right after school.

The last few periods flew by, I was ready to go to Aiden's and take a nap. We walked out of school together, we were walking pretty fast for a couple of people about to collapse from exhaustion. "Why's the walk to your house have to be so long?" I whined. "I'm sorry, it doesn't seem as bad with you here to keep me company, though." he said. "Aww that's so sweet. Unfortunately I'm too tired to appreciate it." I groaned. After about 15 minutes, we finally got to his house. It was a decent sized, two story house, painted gray with a white tile roof. We walked in the house and were met with Aiden's cat, Benji. "Oh my god, he's so cute!" I gushed, petting him. Aiden picked him up. "This is my handsome little dude, he's my favorite." he said, kissing the top of his head before putting him down. "Come on, let's go to my room." he said, motioning for me to follow him upstairs. He turned on the lights in his room, my jaw dropped. "Your room is so fucking cool." I said.
(Aiden's Room)

"Thank you, I've worked really hard on it

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Thank you, I've worked really hard on it." he laughed, sliding off his shoes and flopping down on the bed. I did the same, I was sort of stiff. I wasn't used to laying in bed with another person. Aiden rolled over, facing the wall. I looked around his room nervously, not feeling comfortable to fully lay down. Aiden must've sensed me laying on my back, just staring at the ceiling. "You gonna go to sleep?" he asked, turning his head to look at me. "Oh, yeah." I said, smiling sheepishly. I rolled over, so my back was facing his. Within a few minutes, I drifted off to sleep.

  When I woke up, it was 5:30PM. For once I felt refreshed, I didn't realize how much I needed more sleep until I actually got more sleep. Aiden was still sleeping next to me, I debated waking him up but I decided it was better to let him be. I grabbed my shoes and quietly left his house, leaving a note on his bed saying "Hey :3 I had to leave but didn't wanna wake chu up!! Great nap though, your bed is superrrr comfy ^_^"

  As I was walking home, my phone buzzed. I assumed it was Aiden.
"Hey. It's Alex." 
I smiled, I completely forgot I gave him my number.
"Hey, what's up? :3" I replied.
"Nothing. I was just thinking about you ;)"
I blushed, it was corny, but didn't fail to make my smile widen.
"You were thinking about me? c;" My heart sped up after pressing send.
"How could I not be? You're so beautiful :3 What're you up to though?"
"Walking home from Aiden's c:"
"Are you two a thing???"
I was confused why he would even ask that.
"No, why?"
"He seems kind of protective of you, is all."
"Well we're definitely not 'a thing'."
"Okay, well I was wondering if you were gonna come back to the mall this Saturday?"
"I totally will! Especially if I get to see you c;"
"Oh so you wanna see me? (;"
"I dooo x3"
"You can see me sooner if chu want (;"
"What do you mean??"
"I mean, what're you doing tonight?"
What was it with Aiden and his friends making plans day of? I liked having time to prepare and plan an excuse for why I wouldn't be home.
"I'll be with my mom ;~;"
"Lame! Ditch her and hang with me instead."
"Can't. Guess I'll just see you Saturday c;"
"Come onnn. What about tomorrow?"
I usually hung out with Aiden after school, and he told me to stay away from Alex. Now on top of lying to my mom, I had to lie to Aiden too. But I really did want to see Alex.
"Tomorrow it is c;"

Show Me The Ropes (emo love story) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang