Haiku, Senryu & Tanka Too

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haiku loves nature

senryu human nature...

tanka expounds both

no matter how much I learn

I only know a whisper

Poetry form: Tanka

Tanka: A Japanese poem of five lines, the first and third composed of five syllables and the others seven. In Japanese, tanka is often written in one straight line, but in English and other languages, we usually divide the lines into the five syllabic units: 5-7-5-7-7.  Each tanka is divided into two segments. The first three lines are the upper phrase, and the last two lines are the lower phrase. The upper phrase typically contains an image, and the lower phrase exposes the poet's ideas about that image. Tanka poems are similar to haiku but have two additional lines and usually feature as their subject very strong emotion or love. Conversely, Haiku are typically about nature.

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