Chapter 2

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"-okay? Are you awake, are you alright?"

Harry let out a soft moan of pain as he felt something hard and long poking his sensitive tail; frowning Harry moved his tail away from the poking object only to get another poke, this time on the forehead.

"Come on, wake up now," the voice sounded like a middle aged male who was from a high class background. "This isn't a good place for you to take a nap. Honestly, didn't you realise that today was too cold for you to come out?"

As Harry slowly began to pull himself together a sharp cold wind hit him, causing him to shiver. Lemur Demons HATED the cold, if they allowed themselves to become too cold then they could pass out, get ill, or even die. Giving a soft moan as the coldness hit him, Harry slowly opened up his eyes, wincing slightly at the bright light, only to find himself face to face with the last person he expected to be the very first person he would meet in this strange new world.

The one and only Lucius Malfoy was looking down at him, worry and concern clearly written across his features.

Blushing slightly, Harry moved to push himself up into a sitting position only to fall back down again.

"Uncle Lucius! The Lemur can't get up!" the young voice of a child suddenly came into Harry's ears.

'So they were the one doing the poking' Harry thought with a small chuckle. 'I can't imagine Malfoy Sr. poking like that.'

"It seems that this young man didn't dress properly for the weather and his body," Lucius said as he removed his large black cloak from around him. "How about you go and find your Aunt? I'll meet you both back at home."

"Okay!" the child called out happily.

Lifting up his head weakly, Harry saw the back of a child running towards a large castle. The child looked to be male and had similar blond hair to Lucius. Taking a deep breath Harry began to push himself up weakly only to let out a shocked cry as he felt himself being lifted up off of the ground and held close to a well toned chest.

"You idiot child, didn't your parents teach you anything?" Lucius asked kindly as he wrapped his black cloak around Harry's shivering body. "Now then, where do you live?"

Just like The Deciders had promised him, something within Harry lit up. "The small shop near the library, number 124 on the right hand side opposite the sea," Harry answered, before he allowed his instincts to take over and he snuggled into the warmth and protection that Lucius was offering.

"Ah, so you are the one that bought the shop," Lucius said as he carried Harry through the streets, not caring about the looks he got. "I'll have to make sure to visit you once you have the shop up and running." Lucius gave a small chuckle, "and to make sure that you have a proper heating system in there for yourself."

Harry gave a small hum as he allowed himself to soak up the heat he was being given, he couldn't believe how NICE this Lucius Malfoy was being, though then again The Deciders had basically told him that the Dark Side were the Good Guys while the Light Side were the Bad Guys. Sighing lightly Harry allowed his tired mind to float and look at the streets they walked down. The streets were identical to Diagon Alley back home, there were even identical shops appearing too, although there were a few others along with several buildings that people obviously called home.

Turning his head to rest in a more comfortable position, Harry found himself looking at a mixture of muggles, muggleborn, half-bloods, purebloods and magical creatures; it seemed that this world was more accepting and open than his old one. Everything that The Deciders had told him so far was true.

"Do you know where your group is, young one?" Lucius asked, causing Harry to break out of his thoughts. "Or if not your group, a Dominant that has links to you?"

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