Deppression's Colours

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Depression is deep purple,

a color deeper than blue.

Purple is the color of shame,

and dried blood.

Purple is the color of incense in a place

where no one knows my name,

where the chanting and rituals

no longer comfort me.

Purple is the color of

the shadows where I hide.

Blue is for saddness...

...indigo, for pain;

a blue with blood...

a saddness that bleeds.

Hope, my hub, is Spring green, and...

...happiness (is there such a thing)

is the color of the forest,

of the grass after rain.

Excited, I am yellow --

bright sunshine, open eyes,

far horizons, clear skies,

new growth in Spring (forsythia first),


Irritable is orange...cooled-down red,

yellowed-over pink,

a color that is only good

for a piece of fruit or an old cat

in the afternoon sun.

Everyone knows that anger is red.

What else could it be for me?

Bloodshed red, but...

rage is scarlet, a deeper hue...

white-hot, furnace-new,

an anger that cleanses instead of drains.

Brown is the color of coffee

and tea and chocolate,

of the soil in my little window garden.

Brown is beautiful.

Grey for a non-feeling, a Twilight Zone

where no colors exist at all,

a two-dimensional, flattened-out world

where I don't even feel myself,

let alone anyone else.

I lived there once, in a grey world,

and I would be any color

but grey...

except for one...

and that one... black.

Black is for fear.

Black lines my days like a paper border

on death's door, like prison bars,

like a gash in the earth to hell

(where the monsters dwell),

like a night without stars

or a nightmare that doesn't end

when waking.

Black is the eyes

of the stalker in the shadows,

the one who feasts on my soul

because I let him.

Black is all there is

when all the colors run together

and I cannot feel anything

but fear.

Fear is black.

The only thing I have to fear is black.

~ * ~ * ~

Every day is a rainbow,

a riot, of color.

I don't want black in my rainbow

I don't want grey.

Fear and emptiness go away

Don't come again another day

Mama's got some bills to pay

and some life to live before I die.

Go away black fear.

Go away nothing grey.

Go away...

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