How It Came Down To This

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Bakugou's POV

Bakugou sometimes wondered if fate were a real thing. And that fate likes to piss him off just for the hell of it. How the fuck did he, King of Explodos and best at everything, get caught up in this goddamn mess. Last time he checked he was in a class full of more than capable semi-heros that could, at the bare minimum, help themselves. Not that he'd ever say that at loud to anyone of course. He needed to maintain being at the top, so giving anyone any type of hope that they could somehow be at his level was just out of the question. But he knew that some of them already were at his level.

Especially that one fucking round-faced bitch.

He knew she was capable of so much more than what the rest of the class thought. So why did she act the way she did when it came to those bastards? It was almost as if she was scared. But from what Bakugou could deduce from watching her fight those small competitions they had during training, he knew that she didn't get frightened easily. He knew she was not one to back down from anything. Hell, he might even think that she was just as stubborn as him! And he hates when people might have the same qualities as him! It might interfere with his plans on being Number One.

So why did he have to save her when it was obvious she already had it under control?

Maybe because he had only imagined that she was scared. Maybe he had wanted her to be scared so that he could go save her.

Maybe he wanted to be a hero in her eyes.

God why does it even matter? He doesn't give a shit about her! She's just another extra. Another stepping stone just like that fucking nerd Deku. She hangs out with him so that means she's probably just like him. That means she looks at Bakugou like a villain. Like he doesn't have what it takes to be a hero. Like he's weak.

Maybe that's why he wanted to be a hero in her eyes.

When did this even happen? When did he start to notice her and everything she does? Was it because she's with Deku all the time? Or maybe it's because she keeps staring at him like he's the most bizarre human being on earth. But why would he stare at her in return if she had nothing to offer him? It doesn't even matter. She should stay away if she knows what's good for her. Bakugou doesn't need any distractions. Even if that distraction is not a terrible inconvenience.

He doesn't want it.

At least that's what he keeps telling himself. But Bakugou knows that he has a tendency to lie to himself, almost all the time.

How the fuck did it come down to this?

~~a few months before~~

Uraraka's POV

The defeat that Bakugou left on Ochako from the sports festival was a total bust. It made her feel like utter crap afterwards. But what did she expect from someone as determined and skilled as him? She can only wish that she had half the determination he has. Maybe she does, she just doesn't know how to put it to good use as properly as he does. He's just so good. Uraraka feels it's a bit unfair but then again she doesn't push herself as hard as Bakugou pushes himself. She wonders what goes on in his head most of the time. She knows he's smart. Probably one of the smartest kids in the school but she wonders what he thinks about when he isn't thinking about being a hero or anything school related.

But then again this is Bakugou we're talking about. Of course all he thinks about is being a hero and being Number one. She can't help but glance at him every now and then wondering what goes on in that volcanic brain of his. And of course the glances don't go unnoticed. But the odd thing is everytime Bakugou catches her eyes with his, Uraraka doesn't budge. She just keeps staring deep into those red eyes. Bakugou deems this as a challenge and doesn't lose eye contact. Eventually it goes on long enough for other classmates to start noticing. And then when Uraraka finishes studying deep crimson eyes she puts on a small smile and gives a friendly wave. Bakugou cocks an eyebrow and then taking her loss of eye contact as a win, he huffs and turns away.

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