Chapter 1

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The wind battered her face and twisted her brown hair as she kept her head down. She walked in the coolness of the night as cold air seeped through her clothes and kissed her skin. She shivered from head to toe and cursed on her boss for giving her shifts at this ungodly hour.

As she walked she didn't notice the man following her. He roughly grabbed her shoulders and threw her to the ground. She let out a painful yell as her palms scraped against the concrete. No one was behind her as she whipped her head around. "Hello?" Her shaking voice calls out against the wind.

Putting little pressure on her hands, she attempts to get up. The man appears again and smashes her against a brick wall. Pain floods through her back as she lets out a scream that is cut off with his hand covering her mouth.

His eyes glow a deep red as he looks over her face and neck. A smile engraves itself on his face and his tongue trails down one of his fang. Fear bursts through her. She attempts to push him away, struggling under his hands. She fights for her life as her eyes start to tear up. "Don't worry it won't hurt," He smiles and smashes her in to the wall again

The back of her head splits slightly and blood drizzles through her hair. "Much," He laughs. She continues to push and fight against him as her head and back pound. Her head spins as he slowly licks her neck.

Her muffled yells are hardly audible under his hand. His fangs pierced her skin and her eye lashes felt like weights as she attempted to keep her eyes open. Ice felt as if it was slowing wrapping around her bones as he continued to slip the life away from her. It was getting colder . It was getting darker. Her eyes flickered as the senses in her brain slowed. Soon Her hands no longer pushed at him and her breath no longer passed her lips. He took out his fangs and wiped the warm blood off his mouth, a smile still plastered on lips.

Like a bag of rocks, she drops to the floor as he fades in to the darkness of the cold night.


I close my car door as my assistant walks up to me. "This is all we've got so far on the victim: Her name is Madelyn Cofstandey, age 27. She was believed to be walking home from a late shift from work. She was murdered around 12:30AM. We had a call from her roommate last night reporting that she hadn't come home yet." He handed over a file and I flipped through it.

We duck under the police tape and walk over to the body. She slumps against the brick wall, dry blood coated her hair as it stuck to her face.

"Blake, you got some gloves?" My assistant nods and passes me a pair of gloves. I turn her head to the side and move her hair over her shoulder . Dry blood crust on the outside of the two puncture marks. I turn to Blake "Get down here and tell me what you see," he crouches down next to me and inspects the puncture marks. "What do these puncture marks tell you about the vampire?" I ask him

"That they're male and a fully grown vampire," He says looking at the marks closer

"Good, you'll make a good detective in time," I respond patting his back. I look at her hands and notice graze marks. I turn to the side and notice blood on the floor. Getting up I look to the wall. "She fell to the ground there," I say pointing to the blood on the floor "And was thrown against the wall with force causing a split in her head. For the public, she was beaten to death. We'll need to keep this under wraps for now," Blake took down notes as I spoke.

Getting in to my car I tell Blake to take care of the rest. "I'll meet you at the office, send me the photos of today," I tell him before driving off.

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