Chapter 7

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I looked at Imra, she was smiling at us. She walked up to us "legally, I could marry you two, could I have that honor?" I flew out of Mon El's arms "if he's down for that". Mon El nodded. I stood up for Snapper "I promised Snapper he's invited, he does know my biggest secret and all". Alex nodded like she understood. I called Snapper and told him to come over right away if he really wanted to see me get married, "I recently moved right across the hall from you ponytail, be there in just a sec". Once Snapper arrived, we began the ceremony". Jeramiah also showed up "I know I'm a traitor, but I wouldn't miss my daughter getting married even if it does get me arrested". I gave him a big hug "after this, we might have a solution to your problem with Lillian Luthor". He smiled at me "I'll probably still have to serve some time". I quickly changed into my supergirl costume, Imra started, "do you Mon El of Daxym, take Kara Zor El of Kyrpton to be your wife? To love and to hold, for better or worse". Mon El smiled "I do". "And do you Kara, take Mon El as your husband?" I grinned like the dork I am "I absolutely do". Imra smiled "you may kiss the bride". Mon El passionately kissed me, it will forever be my favorite one.

      My sister is now a happily married super hero. I was so happy for her. I gave Mon El a hug "I know you will, but I'm gonna say it anyway, be good to my sister". Mon El laughed "I promise I will be".

    Snapper walked up to me "congratulations ponytail". I smiled at my husband "thanks boss". Snapper offered a hand shake "love is a very powerful thing Kara, hold onto it. I can see very clearly how much he loves you, and for who you are". I leaned my head on Mon El's shoulder "you turning soft boss?" Snapper....well...snapped "still want that raise ponytail?" I shut up. A portal opened up, out came Barry Allen "I traveled all this way just to say congrats to my buddy Kara for making Mon El her husband". I gave Barry a hug "you sure got here in a flash" Barry glared at me "flash puns are my thing". Truthfully, I wanted Mon El all to myself right now, but I could wait. Jo'nn texted me "Lillian & Hank just got arrested. For life". I read it out loud. Everyone cheered, I gave Lena a call in case she didn't know "sweet justice" she replied "you didn't invite me to your wedding because?" Crap I so meant to "I am so sorry Lena, I really meant to, it's just been crazy with Snapper catching Supergirl with Mon El and had to admit she's really me...oh crap, I wasn't supposed to tell you that". Lena was surprisengly calm "Kara, you mean to tell me you can fly, see through walls, freeze breath?" I had no way out "yes" Lena simply said "that would explain a lot". I was relieved when everyone left, I hung up the phone. I looked at Mon El "movie night sound good?" Mon El smiled "only if that's with you". I truly got a keeper.

    I picked Wizard of Ozz because it's Kara's favorite. She used my chest as a pillow.

     I couldn't resist anymore. I looked at Mon El and kissed him and refused to stop. Dorthy was walking down the yellow brick road by the time I did "luckiest super hero ever". Uncle Non burst in our home. Crap, he saw the wedding ring "all I have to do is hurt him" I stood my ground "leave him alone, he has nothing to do with this". Non had an evil look, he pointed a gun at Mon El and fired at his heart. I got in the way, saving his life, only it was a kryptonite bullet. Alex showed up just in time with the same weapon Non had, he fled. Alex got the shard completely out "what happened?" I began "we were enjoying each other when Non walked in, he figured out Mon El was my husband and fired at him, I got in the way, taking the shot for him". Alex was amazed "I think that only proves what everyone already knew: you really do love him". I began to fall, but Mon El caught me (he's so dreamy).

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