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Leo's pov
I am sitting at home bored, I have no girl friend
Well I don't have a preference. I can go for guys
To but they gotta be small cute and short with a
nice ass.

I decide to go out and have some fun. I quickly shower and shave you know I gotta look like a full course meal.

I wore this and I made sure my breathe was minty

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I wore this and I made sure my breathe was minty. I put Carmax on my lips I grab my phone and go downstairs.

I grab my keys and hit the club. I drive for about 10 minutes and I pull up to this club called diamond master.

I park and get out walking to the entrance. The
Guards check me and they let me in. I walk in and the place is bumping full swing. I go to the bar have me a couple drinks about 5 at the most.

I'm getting kinda fuzzy and tipsy I go to the dance floor having a great time. I look over and see this cute boy in the corner. He's small but got a juicy ass on him lick it's out there.

No lie if you see cardi b ass that's what kinda of ass I'm talking bout. But his fits his body I walk to him fin to ya know. Reel him in with my flirting, I really feel like I want to date this fine ass boy.

I grab his side and he kind of jumps like he's scared. He looks up at me in fear I see that he has a scar that starts from his eye to his jawline. I feel like he's getting beating and that is making me feel pissed.

"Hey sorry to ask but are you getting abused?" I ask with concern in my voice he looks at me and his eyes flicker behind me.

"Uh I c-can't talk t-to you i-I have to g-go!" He stutters out trying to walk away but I grab his arm and he flinched I lean close to his ear

"Your coming with me and you better not fight me." I whispered huskily in his ear I felt him shiver.

I start walking while I pull him along with me.
I was getting closer to the exit but was stopped.

"Let go of him!" This skinny dude says I look at him checking him. I start walking again but he stops me again.

"You can't take him!!" He yelled at me tapping my arm roughly. I walk up to him with the boy arm still in my hold.

"What's it to you!"I yell in his face getting mad.
He laughs

"Because he belongs to me, how else am I suppose to drive home." He says sounding douchey

"Well, lil boy you see this fine piece of ass. He's not going to you he's coming with me whether you like it or not. I don't care about what you say or do but I'm walking out this club with him!" I yell while grabbing the small boys ass fondling it. I can feel him pushing against my hand, he's getting turned on.

"See guys like you need to get punched in the face!" He yells I had enough of his bullshit and deck him in his face knocking him out.

I quickly throw the little boy on my shoulders.
I leave out the club before anyone notices the dude I just punched. I get in the drivers seat careful not to bump his head.

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