Chapter 10

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*how many times do you guys want updates per week?  Honestly thinking every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Let me now your input. Thanks <3xoxo* -Hollie

"Everyone, we've got somebody new today!" Nurse Penny says, her voice almost bright enough to match the yellow jumper she wears.

Everyone is a dozen or so Slateds like me, gathered from surrounding villages near and far, sitting in a loose circle in a draughty high-ceilinged hall.

Nurse Penny gives me a push. "Go on. Introduce yourself, and grab a chair."

"Hi. I'm Kyla," I say, and find a chair in a corner, pull it into the circle.

The others smile at me and each other, most years younger. Except one girl, about my age, sitting with her arms crossed and looking out the window into the darkness.

Oh, joy. First day at Group. Just what I need with this blackout headache still heavy behind my eyes. They usually take two to three days to go. Mum had said maybe I could leave this until next week, but then I decided I felt well enough to come tonight. At least this way I finally get out of the house. Besides, there is no point putting it off: it will be every Thursday at seven until further notice. Amy doesn't have to go any more so I'm assuming "further notice" is until they are convinced you don't need constant monitoring. We had Group at hospital also, so I know the story. We're supposed to talk about our feelings in a "supportive non-judgemental atmosphere", but it usually seems to me that they tell us what we are supposed to be feeling.

Penny crosses her arms. "Does anyone remember what you need to do now?"

They look at each other.

This is painful.

Until finally the older girl turns away from the window, and rolls her eyes. "You are like watching paint dry. Introduce yourselves before we all die of old age."

I feel my eyes widen along with everyone else in the circle. She was saying, out loud, the kind of stuff I say in my head. How did she dare?

Penny frowns. "Thank you for setting us straight. Perhaps you'd care to begin?0

"Sure. Greetings dear Kyla; I am Tori. Welcome to our happy Group."

The others begin to chime in with their names, one after another. Smiling. Unaware that Tori's voice was dripping with sarcasm. All that is, except for Penny, who still frowns at Tori.

Once the introductions are over, Penny glances at the clock: ten past seven. "Well, I suppose we had better..."

But then the door flies open at the back.

"Sorry I'm late," a voice says. Male. I turn just as a chair is dragged across the floor; Tori pushes hers to one side to make room, and he sits next to her.

Penny pretends to look stern. "You must learn to be punctual, Ben. How's the training going?"

"Good, thanks." He smiles, and as Penny smiles back, I see it in her eyes: Nurse's pet. He's not the least bit worried about being late, and neither is she. He is the favoured one.

Not surprising. He's obviously been Slated longer than everyone here, except perhaps Tori. His smile is real rather than dazed, the sort of smile that makes you want to give one back. Training, Penny said: he is wearing shorts although it is a cool night; his legs are well muscled, a long sleeved T-shirt clings to his back and shoulders. His skin is a light bronze that says he is outside more than in. And Tori is smiling her first real smile of the night at Ben. It transforms her face: she is stunning.

"Hello, are you the new girl? I'm Ben," he says, and I realise I've been staring. Colour climbs up my cheeks.

"Kyla?" Penny prompts, and I jump.

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